Chapter 4

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After school mom and John made me and the boys all go out to get some groceries. Why couldn't they understand that I just wanted to lay down in my bed and relax. I am so tired from my first day of school.

"Kali come chase me!" Noah shouted. While running away from me.

"Noah no come back!" I shouted.

"No! You gotta catch me!" He shouted. He turned and ran down an isle. I couldn't see him anymore.

"Shit." I said under my breath. I jogged over to the isle he was running down. "Noah!" I yelled. Everybody was giving me weird looks. I didn't care though. I had to get this kid!

I jogged down the isle trying to catch this kid. Damn he is fast.

"Ha Ha you cant catch me!" Noah shouted.

"Noah stop playing around and get over here!" I yelled.

"No!" He yelled back running down another isle. People were trying to dodge him and I was trying to dodge the people.

"You should really control your annoying kid! He is out of control!" Someone shouted at me.

"He's not my kid and he isn't a annoying. Asshole!" I flipped the person off. I heard a gasp and I just laughed because I cant believe I just did that. Yeah Noah was being a little annoying right now but that person shouldn't have said that.

"Noah st- woahhhhh!" I shouted as I slipped onto something slippery crashing into Noah who was trying not slip but because of me crashing into him we both slipped and fell into shelves that had all the juice and pop on it and just like that they all came crashing down. The bottles of pop landed on the ground and the caps popped off making the bottles go crazy and shoot all over the place.

I screamed out when they all started spraying me. Noah started laughing and yelling "Yay pop war!"

Seriously how the hell did this even happen!? Do they not tighten the caps on the bottles? I mean come on!

Noah looked at me and smiled sheeplishy. I glared at him.

"Great now I'm drenched with pop and it's already getting sticky." I groaned.

"Lets do this again!" Noah shouted.

"No!" Some person who worked here said. He was walking our way and lets just say he was not to happy with the mess we made. I debated if we should run or not but I don't think we would make it far. We would probably slip from the pop spilled all over the floor and we would end up in more trouble besides we don't have time to find all of the boys and hurry to the car.

"You two come with me!" The man yelled as he grabbed the back of me and Noah's shirt. We stood up and he had a tight grip on the back of our shirts. He was behind us pushing us to walk faster in the direction he wanted us to go to.

"We can walk ourseleves." I said.

"No because you two might take a run for it. Now where are your parents?" He asked in a harsh tone.

"They aren't here." I said.

"Well who brought you here?" He asked.

"Why do you need to know?" I asked.

"Because I am dropping you two off with them so they can watch you two better and so I can tell them the damage you two made." He groaned.

"Well I have no clue where they are."

"They're around here somewhere. I will make sure to find them!" He sighed in fustration.

We walked around for just a mintue until we finally found the boys all together picking out bags of chips.

I sighed to myself thinking how embarassing this is going to be. I just met these guys yesterday and I already got myself in the most embarassing situation ever. I probably look like such a gross mess. My hair is still wet from the pop. My skin is all sticky and my shorts were all wet making it very uncomfortable to walk in and my shirt is sticking to my skin very tightly. I had to keep stretching it out. Thank god I didn't have a white shirt on. I guess things could of been worse.

We made our way over to the boys. They weren't paying attention but when we got closer. The man who was holding onto me and Noah's shirt cleared his throat making the boys turn around and look at us with widened eyes. Then their eyes went back to normal and they started bursting out laughing. I hung my head low in embarrassment.

"What the hell happen to you two?" Bradley asked trying to catch his breath from laughing so hard.

"Pop war!" Noah shouted.

"Are these two yours?" The man asked the boys.

"Yes they are." Shawn said.

"You need to control these two of yours. They have torn apart the whole pop area! That I now have to clean! Thanks to these two." The man let go of me and Noah's shirt and marched away.

"That was awesome!" Noah jumped up and down.

"I cant believe you two." Shawn chuckled. "Cant wait to see what your mom and my dad have to say when they see you two."

Carter shook his head and chuckled. "Still manage to look cute even drenched in pop." He smiled and passed by me.

"Cute? She looks like a mess." Bradley chuckled following Carter. He brushed up against my shoulder. "Gross you're all sticky!" He crinkled his nose in disgust.

I all of the sudden had a evil plan. Bradley deserves this. I mean he could of just said nothing instead of telling me I look like a mess. I know I do look like a mess but he didn't have to point it out..

"Noah I think we should give your brother Brad a big hug. He would love one right now." I evilly grinned.

"Oh no! No don't hug me!" Brad shouted.

"I think Brad would love a hug from you guys." Luke smiled putting his hands in his pocket and walking pass us to follow behind Carter.

"Get him!" Noah shouted. We both took off after Brad who was jogging away from us. Me and Noah followed him until he turned down the isle where me and Noah were at where we got in trouble. I heard a crash and groan. Then I heard yelling from a familiar voice. Me and Noah turned the corner to see Brad who crashed into the man we got in trouble with. Brad's pants were all wet from the pop still spilled onto the ground from me and Noah's incident. Me and Noah started bursting out laughing when Brad stood up and his whole butt was wet and half his back.

"Shut up it's not funny!" Brad hissed.

We didn't listen we kept laughing.

"That's it you three are kicked out of here!" The man yelled. He grabbed the back of Brad's shirt and mine. He kept pushing us until he pushed us out the door. Noah was following behind us. "Now stay out!" He yelled and went back inside. His pants were all wet and Brad, Noah and I started laughing.

"What a day." I sighed.

We sat down on a bench and waited for the other boys.

"This is so uncomfortable." Brad moved his pants around.

"Tell me about it." I said pulling my hair back into a messy pony tail.

"Yeah I guess you two have it worse." Brad smirked.

"Yeah we do. Right Noah?" I said.

"Right!" Noah agreed.

"Did you have fun little bro?" Brad asked Noah.

"Yes! Yes! YES!" He shouted with a big smile on his face. I laughed and so did Brad.

"There you guys are!" Shawn said.

"Why are you all out here?" Luke asked.

"Well we kicked out." I said.

"What did you three do?" Shawn asked.

"Brad had a little incident." I looked over at Brad who stood up and turned around to show them. They started laughing.

"I cant believe you three got kicked out. Next time you three are staying home." Shawn shook his head but had a smile on his face. "You three can sit in the very back of the car."

We all walked back to the car and drove back home.

When we all went inside the house. Mom and John were right there. They were all dressed up. They both looked up at us and their mouths fell open and then they both started laughing.

"What happen to you three?" Mom asked still laughing.

"Long story.." I sighed.

"Well you better make sure to tell me about this story. It must be very interesting." She giggled.

"Are you two going on a date or something?" Carter asked.

"Yes we are so Shawn you are in charge." John said.

"Sorry dad but I cant watch them. I have to be at Sarah's." Shawn said as he went into the kitchen and sat down the groceries. Sarah must be his girlfriend?

"Okay then you five better be good and make sure to watch Noah. Love you all. Bye." John told us.

"Love you all too." Mom smiled. They both left and then Shawn left. Leaving only me Brad, Carter, Luke and Noah.

"Well I'm taking a shower." I walked away.

"I will join you." Carter smirked.

"No you will not." I quickly said.

"Oh come on. It will be fun."

"No." I walked up the stairs.

Brad and Noah following behind me. We went our seperate ways to go take showers and get cleaned up.


I pulled my hair into a pony tail and put on my pajamas which is my transformers t shirt and plain black soft short shorts. My favorite pair of sleeping shorts.

I pulled out my earphones from my suitcase and plugged them into my phone. I put in my earphones and pushed play on my phone. The music started playing. I walked downstairs and into the kitchen. I opened up the fridge and started singing along to the song that was playing on my phone while swaying my hips side to side forgetting that the boys were here.

I pulled out a juice box and cheese stick. I turned around still dancing and singing. I jumped in fear when I saw that Carter was standing right there. I was definitly blushing that's for sure.

I pushed pause on my music and took my earphones out. I placed my phone on the counter and looked up at Carter who was smirking.

"Did you um...see all of that?" I awkwardly ask. Please say no. Please say no.

"Yeah I saw all of it." He chuckled. Damn it.

"Oh yay." I sighed. Feeling so embarassed. "I'm so stupid." I mumbled as I opened up my juice box.

"You aren't stupid...but you should make a move on me." He smirked.

"Make a move on you?" I questioned.

"Yes as in show me a couple more of those dance moves you have." He put his hand in his hair and rubbed it around messing his hair up then pushing it to one side making me mentally scream because of how cute this boy is.

"Come on." He stuck his hand out waiting for me to take it.

"I might of been dancing but that doesn't mean I'm good. I suck." I said.

"I suck at dancing too but come on just make a move on me already."

I sat my juice box and cheese stick down on the counter and walked over to him. I looked up at him. He smiled. Making my insides melt. I put my hand in his. His touch sending a shock through my whole body. He twirled me around and then pulled me into him. He had one hand on my lower back and the other hand in mine. He intertwined his fingers with mine. His face came closer towards mine. My heart started beating so fast. I honestly felt like my heart was about to pop out of my chest in any mintue.

"Relax." He whispered. His warm breath hitting my face.

I could now smell is amazing cologne that made me just want to tackle him down and start making out with him but of course I wont...

He put his face in front of mine. He smirked and then pulled me apart from him our hands still together. He twirled me around and then pulled me back into him. We both swayed side to side for a mintue then we both started dancing together like idiots. We kept on laughing at each other feeling embarrassed for the other but we kept dancing until someone cleared their throat. I quickly pulled myself apart from him and turned around to see Brad and Luke.

"Get a room." Brad hissed.

"What were you guys even doing?" Luke asked.

"None of your business." Carter told him and walked out of the room but winked at me before he left.

"Well anyways...Kali do you want to come watch a movie with us?" Luke asked.

"Sure." I said. Luke walked out of the kitchen and to the living room. I grabbed my juice box, cheese stick and phone before I followed behind him. I passed Brad who told me "Cute pajamas." I looked at him to see him smirking. He started walking to the fridge. I shook my head and walked out but I looked at Brad one more time before I left. He was looking at me and when he noticed I was looking at him. He quickly looked away.

I then made my way to where Luke was.





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