Chapter 7

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After the pizza shop. Ian and Lucy took me back home. I walked inside and no one was in sight. I didn't even hear anyone. Am I alone? Did they all leave without me? I walked upstairs and into my room. I threw my backpack on the ground and headed to mom and John's room. I knocked on the door twice.

"Come in!" My mom called out. I walked into the room. Mom was lieing down on the bed reading a book. "Oh hi sweetie. How was it hanging out with Haliey and Lucy?" She asked looking up from her book and at me. She sat up and patted a spot for me to sit. I climbed up on the bed and sat down by her.

"It was fun."

"Well that's good." She smiled.

"So where is John and the boys?" I asked.

"They all went out shopping and when they come back you kids are going to paint the doors back to their normal colors while me and John make dinner." She said.

"But why do I have to paint the doors? It's not my fault that their cousins painted all the doors pink to get them back for pranking them."

"Because it's the nice thing to do. Besides you all need to do something together and get to know each other better."

"But mom we are living with them. I'm pretty sure there will be plenty of times to get to know each other."

"You're probably right but you're still helping them. End of story."

I sighed.

"So go change into some old clothes that you wont mind to get paint on. They should be home any minute now. John just messaged me." She kissed my forehead. "I love you very much."

"I love you very much too mom." I smiled and got off the bed and walked out of the room closing the door behind me.


"Why did your cousins have to paint every door?" I groaned. My hand was getting tired of painting.

"I don't know." Luke sighed.

"Hey Kali." Brad said from behind me.

"What?" I turned around. He wiped his paint brush on my cheek and down my neck. I gasped.

"That's a great color on you." He smirked.

"Oh no you didn't. It's on now." I glared at him. He started jogging away. He jogged over to where Carter was. Carter grabbed Brad and held onto him waiting for me to get Brad back. Brad was fighting his way out from Carter's arms right as he got free. I wiped my paint brush on his cheek and on his lower arm. Ne and Carter laughed. He glared at us and then wiped his paint brush on Carter. Carter got him back and now Luke joined in and even Shawn did. We were all having a paint war. Luckily John made us all lay out a huge plastic cover on the floor incase the paint dripped and fell onto the ground.

"I got you now!" Carter grabbed me and we both slipped. He fell on his back and I fell on top of him. We both bursted out laughing.

"Are you okay? I asked. Catching my breath from laughing.

"Yeah you?"

"Yeah I'm fine. You saved my fall."

"I'm glad to help." He smirked.

We stopped talking and looked into each others eyes. This has definitly turned into one of those cliche movie scenes. Where they have a paint war and then they get really close together somehow by falling on one another or one of them pressing the other up against a wall and then they kiss...

"Are you two about to makeout or what?" Luke said introrupting our cliche moment.

"No we were not about to makeout." I stood back up on my feet.

"Really cause I could have sworn we were about to." Carter smirked standing back up on his feet. I rolled my eyes and walked away from him but smiled to myself once nobody could see my face.

"What the hell happened?" John asked.

"Uh...paint war?" Brad sheepishly smiled.

"You guys are a mess. All of you better take a shower before you come downstairs and a paint war seriously? You're all almost adults and Shawn you are a adult...but I'm just glad you all are getting along." John smiled and went back downstairs.

"Wow I expected him to yell at us." Luke said.

"Yeah me too." Carter agreed.

"Well shower time." Brad said walking to the bathroom. I walked to mine and jumped in the shower washing off all the paint. After showering I got ready in my pajamas. I walked downstairs and fixed myself a bowl of cereal.

"You're seriously eating a bowl of cereal at night time?" Brad asked.

"Yes I am. It's always better at night to have a bowl of cereal...well in my oppion."

"Yeah it is...mind making me a bowl?"

"Yes I do mind. Make it yourself."

He groaned and got up and made himself a bowl. We ate at the table together mostly argueing about dumb things.

"No aliens are not real." Brad said.

"Yes they are!"

"No they're not. We would of seen a ton of them by now with all the technology we have."

"Some people have seen them and maybe their technology is way better than ares and that's why we barely see them."

"The people who usually see them are just crazy people who need help."

"No they're not."

"Yes they are."

"Will you both just shut up. Seriously I can hear you all the way in the other room and I am trying to watch a movie." Luke said.

"What movie?" Brad asked.

"Transformers." Luke said.

"Transformers!? I'm coming to watch it." I stood up and hurried and clean my bowl then I followed behind Luke. I sat down on the couch and started watching the movie with him. Brad joined too. All of the Transformers are my favorite movies. I love them all so much.

"Can you not sit by me." Brad said to me.

"I was here first so can you not sit by me?" I said.

"Can you not be in the same room as me?"

"Can you not breathe the same air as me?"

"Can you both shut the hell up." Luke hissed.

Brad and I glared at each other then looked back at the movie.

We watched the movie for a while. I wish I could just keep my eyes open to watch the last part of it but I couldn't. I gave up and just closed my eyes.


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