Chapter 38

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Here's the second update for today.

Btw this update is long.

Enjoy reading! :)

We just arrived to Ian's dad's house. It took us a good fifthteen minutes to get here and let's just say the whole car ride Brad and I argued about the dumbest stuff.

As we made are way to Ian's door. My phone started ringing. I answered it.


"Hey it's your mom. Where are you?"

"Oh hey mom. I told you that I was going to stay over at Ian's tonight."

"Oh yeah but who else is there? You two aren't like a thing are you? Because I don't really want you staying at a house alone with a boy. As much as I love Ian I still don't want you two alone."

"Mom I'm fine. Brad is here with me so I won't be alone."

"Oh okay that's good. Wait a minute did you say you're staying the night there?"

"Yeah why?"

"Because we are suppose to be getting on the plane tomorrow morning to go to Greece."

"Wait what tomorrow!? You guys said in two days."

"I know but that's what John and I were going to tell you guys tonight."

"Oh...well what time should we be home? My bags are already packed."

"Be home by eight. We will be leaving at nine to go to the airport so you better not be late."

"Okay eight o'clock. We will be there."

"Alright you better. I love you."

"I love you too."

"Can you hand the phone to Brad? I need to talk to him."

"Um okay..." I handed the phone to Brad. "It's my mom. She wants to talk to you."

"Hey Kate-yeah I will watch her-you have nothing to worry about-you're welcome-okay bye." He hung up and handed me my phone back. I shoved my phone in my pocket.

"I can't believe she just told you to watch out for me like I'm five years old." I shook my head.

He chuckled.

We approached Ian's door. I knocked on it twice. We stood there for a few seconds until someone opened the door.

"Hey bro." A boy with brown hair and dark brown eyes fist pumped Brad.

"Hey Zach." Brad said.

"Who's this?" Zach looked at me with a smirk on his face.

"Kali and she's not interested in you so don't even try anything." Brad got all protective and now had his hand on my lower back. He guided me the way into the house.

"You're taking the 'watch out out for me' thing too seriously." I looked up at him. He took his hand off of my back.

"Sorry. I know Zach and he's always trying to get into every girls pants."


"Where do we go?" Brad looked back at Zach. Who was closing the door.

"Down that hallway and then turn to your left and they should all be in the kitchen." Zach said.

He was right they're all on in the kitchen and my goodness this kitchen is huge.

"Kali! Brad! Glad you could make it." Ian got up and hugged both of us. "Make yourselves at home. Lucy and the others can show you around while Izzy and I will be upstairs."

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