Authors Note

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Hey readers!

I have some bad news...this book is going to be on hold.

Honestly I'm just not feeling this book anymore. I feel like I messed it up so I'm going to take a break with this book and focus on my new books.

Maybe after a while I can get this book back on track and make it better again.

I kind of wanted to end this book but I won't because that would be mean if I did that to you guys. So I don't know when the next time I will update this book. Don't worry I won't make you wait for like two months. I'll have an update for you guys soon hopefully.

Anyways thank you all for reading, voting and commenting! I really do appreciate it so much. :)

I hope you all have a great day!

Bye for now well actually I'll still be here because I'll be updating my other stories so you should go check them out!

Okay now I'm going. Bye! ❤️❤️

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