Chapter 14

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Alex opened the door and I walked in. Alex and Ian following behind me. This house is incredible.

"Finally you two are back. Patrick is- Oh my gosh Kali!" Lucy ran over to me and gave me a big hug. I could smell a mixture of alcohol and strawberry when she talked. She pulled away and smiled big. "Why are you all wet?"

"Sorry that's my fault." Ian winked.

Lucy and I both said "Ew." at the same time. Making each other laugh and Alex even laughed.

"Come on girlie. Lets go introduce you to some people." Lucy grabbed my hand and dragged me down a hallway into an enormous room. The room had a huge couch and a fireplace with a plasma screen TV above it. There was also a pool table and bean bag chairs everywhere. Video game systems all around the fireplace and little tables with drinks and brownies on it.

My stomach started growling and those brownies looked delicious. I walked over to the tray of brownies and grabbed one.

"Woah who's the new girl?" A boy with spiked up black hair and dark green eyes asked. His eyes were blood shot and he kept swaying side to side.

"Everyone this is Kali!" Ian shouted making everyone turn their hands which by everyone I mean only four people but if you include Ian, Alex and Lucy then seven.

They all yelled hi and some other things that I didn't catch. They all continued on what they were doing.

I talked to some of them so far they all seem really cool. I had no clue they all went to my school even Alex did too.

I played a couple games of pool. I swear Alex has been trying to pull some moves on me. Just a mintue ago he was behind me helping me guide my stick on the pool table. He moved in closer and his whole front was onto my backside. I could feel his bulge on my butt and it was just really uncomfortable. I made sure to quickly walk away from him and to Ian.

"Was there something in those brownies?" I said slowly. My eyes were now feeling heavy.

"Oh ate the brownies? How many?" Ian asked.

"Of course she ate the brownies. You idiot! Look at her eyes!" Lucy said.

"I only ate like two in a half." I giggled.

"Oh damn." Lucy said.

"What?" I giggled.

"You're high." Ian said.

"You two got me high!?" I slapped my hand over my mouth and started giggling.

"Hey Kali can I borrow your phone?" Ian asked.

"What for?" I asked. I looked at him.

"Because I need to call Brad or Carter to come get you." He said. I handed him my phone.

"I love you guys." I smiled giving Ian and Lucy both a hug.

"We love you too." Lucy giggled.

"Hey Brad it's Ian-uh well I need your help-well Kali ate some brownies and-what no I did not get her high-she ate some and had no clue what was in them-you're coming now-okay bye." Ian hung up. I pulled away from them both and Ian gave me my phone back. I put it in my pocket.

"Brad's coming." Ian said.

"Cool." I smiled. I sat down on the couch. I pulled Ian's arm and made him sit down beside me. I did the same to Lucy and made her sit on the other side of me. We talked for just a couple of minutes about stupid things. Okay I was the one mostly talking about stupid things.

I must of zoned out because Ian was walking into the room with Brad and Hunter.

"When did you leave?" I asked Ian.

"A mintue ago." He chuckled. "Come here babe." He grabbed both of my hands and helped me up onto my feet. He let go and gave me a hug. "Bye Kali see you at school." He smiled. He pulled away and then Lucy gave me a hug.

"Love you girlie. See you soon." She pulled away.

"Love you both. Bye!" I blew them a kiss and then giggled. They laughed at me but blew one back. I smiled and then looked at Brad and Hunter.

"Lead the way princess." Brad said.

"Will do." I smiled and walked out of the room and into the hallway. They both followed behind me.

"Have you two ever thought about how we pretty much just have animal parts in are fridges!" I looked at them both with my mouth wide open. They both chuckled.

It's true I mean think about the food we eat. Unless you're like vegetarian or something then you might not have animal parts in your fridge.

"I cant believe you're high. This is going to be a pain in the ass when I have to hide you from your mom and my dad." Brad sighed.

"I feel like flying. We should go somewhere and just fly away." I smiled.

"We aren't fucking birds, Kali. We can't just fly away." Hunter said. Brad laughed.

I looked back at Hunter and glared at him. "Don't have to be such an ass."

"Sorry. You know I love you Kali." He ran up to me and gave me a bone crushing hug. I giggled.

He let me go and walked back over to Brad. I looked forward and started skipping out of the house and onto the sidewalk.

"Oh my god!" I looked up into the sky.

"What?" Hunter asked.

"When the hell did it get dark outside?" I asked. I looked back at them and they both chuckled while shaking their heads at me. "Lets lay down and look at the stars!"

"No way that's dumb." Hunter said.

"Maybe another day." Brad said.

"Promise another day?" I looked at Brad.

He nodded. "I promise."

I smiled and kept on walking.

"Look at you being all nice." Hunter whispered to Brad.

"I'm not being nice." Brad whispered back.

"Uh yeah you are. Is my little Bradley finally falling for Kali?" Hunter whispered. I could hear the punch Brad gave him. Hunter chuckled.

"I'm not falling for her. She's my stepsister." Brad whispered back.

"I bet you five bucks you will fall for her." Hunter said. Hey he bet me that too!

"I bet you five bucks I wont." Brad said. That's exactly what I said...

"Alright you're on." Hunter said. "Hey Kali. Can you hear us?" Hunter called out.

"No why what did you say?" I lied. I could totally hear them but I didn't want to admit it and make things awkward.

"Oh nothing just something about trying to hide your blood shot eyes from your mom." Hunter said.

"I will just have to hide my face for the whole night." I said.

"Yeah we will help you out." Hunter said.


It's 8am where I'm at & I haven't even slept yet! Omg 😧

So I thought why not make a update?

I think I will do another update later tonight. It will be a short one though but hey at least I'm doing another update! 😝

Sadly after tonight I will not be able to update as fast as I've been updating this week because I will be trying my best to focus on school and getting my grades up.

No this does not mean you have to wait for like a month just for an update. I will still update once or twice through the week!

Okay I will shut up now. Haha.

I love you all! ☺️

Goodbye for now and have a nice day!


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