Chapter 1

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New Story!

Enjoy :)

"Listen honey everything will be fine. They will love you." Mom patted my shoulder.

"And how do you know that?" I turned to her waiting for her to explain.

"Because you're you and everybody loves you." She smiled. I rolled my eyes and almost gagged at her cheesy answer. I didn't respond back because I was done with this conversation. I hated the fact that we had to move to a whole different state. I missed home and I missed my best friends.

I am not prepared to live in a new state and go to a new school. I was definitly not prepared to live with five boys. Who are known as my stepbrothers..

I don't blame my mom for all of this. She fell in love with an incredible man. He was everything she wanted. He is a really nice guy and I love seeing my mom so happy.

A black SUV pulled up. John jumped out of the car with a big smile on his face. He hugged my mom and planted a kiss on her lips. I cleared my throat causing them to pull apart and laugh.

"Gross." I wrinkled my nose in disgust. John walked over to me and gave me a bone crushing hug. "J-John c-cant b-breathe." I gasped.

He pulled away and chuckled. "Sorry Kali." He grabbed all of my moms bags and put them in the trunk. While I struggled getting mine into his trunk. Once he got all of my moms he helped me out with my bags. When we finished. We all jumped into the car buckled up and was on our way to John's home. As we got closer I began to feel a bit nervous. We only had about ten more minutes until we would be there.

I pulled out my earphones from my pocket. I needed to listen to my music to keep me from panicing about how close we are to getting there.

I plugged my earphones into my phone and put them in my ears. I pushed play on my phone. My music started playing. I rested my head onto the seat. I closed my eyes and let my music take me away.

"We're here!" John said. Making me jerk up. I looked outside my window to see a couple of the boys playing basketball in the drive way. I took out my earphones and shoved them in my pocket. "Boys get out of the way! I need to park in the garage!" John stuck his head out of the window yelling at the boys. They all moved and stood in the grass. John parked the car in the garage. That I didn't expect to be so big. We all got out of the car. The boys went back to playing their game of basketball. I got distracted by them not having their shirts on. You could see all their perfectly shaped abs.

"Boys go get a shirt on! The girls are here!" John yelled. The boys snapped their heads in are direction. That's when I could feel the nerves kicking in.

"But dad it's too hot for a shirt." One of the boys said.

"You three get over here now." John commanded as he opened the trunk and started setting my bags on the ground. "Bradley and Luke you two can help carry Kali's bag. Carter you can help me carry Kate's bags." John ordered. "Then after that you three will get cleaned up and meet me and the girls in the kitchen."

John and Carter took my moms bags and left. My mom followed behind them leaving me by myself with these incredibly attractive boys.

"So you're the daughter? I didn't expect you to be so um...-" Luke began to say.

"Cute." Bradley finished with a smirk on his face. I really hope they cant tell I'm blushing right now...

They both grabbed most of my bags and I grabbed the rest. We made our way inside the house.

"Why do you have so many bags?" Bradley groaned. Yes I did regret packing so much only because of the stairs we are trying to go up. All three of us were struggling. Okay more like I was struggling...the boys groaned a lot but they still made it look easy but I probably wouldn't be having such a rough time if I would focus on where I was going instead of looking at the boys back muscles.

"First I'm a girl so I have a lot of clothes and second I had to move all the way over to a whole different state and into a new home so yes I'm going to have a lot of bags." I sighed.

"Sassy." Bradley mumbled.

I ignored him and we kept walking down a hallway. We finally stopped in front of a light pink door. I noticed that all of the doors were a light pink...

"Why are all the doors pink?" I asked.

"Our uncle and cousins painted all the doors in a light pink to get back at us for pulling a prank on them." Luke sighed. I let out a little laugh.

"And you guys never changed the color back?" I looked at both of them.

"It happen like three days ago and we all just kept it because we're too lazy to paint it back to it's normal color." Luke said as he open the door.

"Oh." Is all I said. We all walked into what is now my room. I liked it a lot. It is much bigger than my old room and has it's own bathroom. Thank god. I really did not feel like sharing a bathroom with five boys.

We sat my bags onto the ground beside my bed. We all sighed in allusion. Making us give each other weird looks.

"Well we better go get changed." Luke put his hand on Bradley's back pushing him along with him but regretting touching him once he knew he was all sweaty. He wiped his hand onto his shorts.

They left my room and I was now alone. I let out a big breath when they left and fell onto my bed. Damn these boys are hot. Two down three to go. Well I guess I already saw Carter but I didn't get a good look at him. He went inside the house too fast for me to see what he looked like all I knew is that he had brown hair.

My phone rang. I answered it. It was my mom. She told me to get ready because we are all having dinner at the table and that I am in charge to help flip the burgers on the grill. She should know that is something I never do. I don't even cook. How am I suppose to grill?

I sighed and got up off of my bed. I walked out of my room and closed the door behind me. I pulled out my phone and started messaging my best friend Cary. Not looking at where I was going I ran into someone. My phone slipped out of my hands and I fell right onto the person who I ran into.

"Fuck." He groaned. I looked down to see another cute boy. It wasn't Bradley or Luke so which one is he?

"I'm so sorry." I apologized. I was completely embarrassed.

"It's alright...wait what's your name?" He asked.

"Kali." I said.

"Oh right. Well I'm Carter." He smiled.

"Hi Carter. It's nice to meet you." I smiled back.

"What is going on here?" A voice asked. Making me jump and break eye contact with Carter. He smirked and I quickly got back up to my feet. I turned around to see a much older boy. I would say in his early twenties.

"Um nothing." I quickly walked away. I knew I was blushing hard.

"Kali you forgot something." Carter waved my phone. Aw shit. I quickly walked back over to him. I went to grab my phone but he moved it away. I tried to grab it again but he just held it up higher so I couldn't reach it. He smirked as he watched me try to jump for it.

"Seriously?" I crossed my arms.

"Carter stop flirting with the girl and give her, her phone back." The guy in his early twenties said.

"Oh fine." Carter smirked and handed me my phone. I snatched it out of his hand and glared at him. I turned to the other guy.

"Thanks uh..."

"Shawn." He smiled.

"Thanks Shawn." I smiled back.

"No problem."

I continued to make my way down the hallway and then down the stairs.

Remember that there is a lot more to come to this story! Cant wait! :)

Okay sooo






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