Chapter 9

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He was now picking up his pace and I was now scared out of my mind.

"You're so dead bitch." He growled. i started jogging away but he was too fast he grabbed onto my wrist and jerked me back. I swung the helmet hitting him in the face again. He groaned. I then took this chance to knee him in his family jewels. He yelped out and fell on his knees. I turned around to run but he grabbed my leg. I tripped and fell to the ground. I could feel the new fresh open cuts on my arms from scraping them against the ground. The helmet fell out of my hand and was now to far to reach. The guy flipped me over so I was on my back. He started climbing on top of me. I was punching and smacking him. He raised his hand to slap me. I scrunched up my face ready to take the hit.

I felt his body rip off of mine. I looked up to see Brad slamming him to the ground. Brad got on top of him and started punching him.

I stood back up onto my feet. Carter and Luke was now pulling Brad off of the guy. When Carter and Luke got Brad off of him. The guy got up and ran after his friends who were running away.

Luke and Carter let go of Brad and Brad wiped the blood from his mouth onto the back of his hand. He walked over to me and stood right in front of me. He had a purple backlish spot on his cheek. His nose was done bleeding but there was still blood all around his nose. His teeth had blood in them and his bottom lip was still bleeding. He was all sweaty and his hair was pushed back. He was breathing heavily and I know I shouldn't be thinking this right now but he looks so hot right now.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"The real question is are you?" I asked.

"Yeah I'm fine. Sorry you had to go through this." He apologized.

"It's alright and thank you for saving me. That slap would of hurt like a bitch." I said.

"No problem and I'm just glad I got to you in time."

"Me too."


When we all got home. Nobody was here. Thank god because I really did not feel like hearing John and my mom ask us all questions about what happened.

I quickly took a shower because I felt gross from what happened. After I took a shower. I changed into my pajamas and lied down on my bed and watched TV for a while until Brad came into my room. He lied down beside me.

"Yes?" I asked.

"I saw you hit that guy in his face with Carter's helmet. I just wanted to say that hit was awesome." He chuckled and I giggled.

"I know I wish someone got that hit on video." I turned on my side to face him.

"Me too." He smirked. "Thank you for saving my ass by the way."

"You're welcome."

He moved in closer to me. My heart started beating faster. He moved in even more closer to me. I could feel the butterflies in my stomach moving around like crazy. Should I be feeling this way towards my stepbrother? He looked into my eyes and leaned in. He stop just barley before are lips could touch. "I bet you want to kiss me right now." His cold breath hitting against my lips. He smirked.

"What? No I-I don't." I said to quickly. I moved away from him.

"Yes y-you do." He mimicked my stuttering.

"Jerk." I mumbled.

"You know I'm your stepbrother right? You shouldn't want to kiss me." He smirked.

I threw my pillow at him. "Go away." I hissed. He chuckled and got up from my bed.

"Don't think about me too much while I'm gone." He called out before shutting my door behind him.

I rolled my eyes and sighed to myself.

Did I want to kiss my stepbrother?

To be honest I did...

Oh god.

Hey readers! Wanted to let you know that I love you all and thank you so much for voting! ☺️

Okay now have a nice day/night!


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