Chapter 56

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Sorry this chapter kind of sucks and yes I know that it's been a while since I've updated. Sorry about that! It's just school has been rough lately and I'm trying my best to get caught up so it's kind of hard having to do that and try to come up with updates for this.

It might be a while before I update again. Just to let you know ahead of time.

Okay I'm done talking now. Enjoy reading! :)

Day 1

I woke up not feeling good at all. Not as in sick but just from everything that happen with my dad. I think it's finally caught up to me and I wish it hadn't because now I feel horrible. I don't feel like moving. I just want to stay in my bed all day and hide away from everyone.

My phone started going off like crazy. Who could be messaging me now? Everyone who has my number is at school. I groaned and turned onto my side. I reached over and grabbed my phone from the small table beside my bed.

Six new messages.

Mom: How about me and you go get some fast food in a few hours?

Carter: Hey princess :) What are you doing?

Hailey: Hey me and the girls miss you. We should definitely have a sleepover this weekend!

Lucy: How are you? I miss you so much! :( School is the worst without you. We need to hangout soon. I feel like I haven't seen you in forever.

Hunter: KALI I MISS YOU :((((

Brad: Hey babe ;) I'm about to go to practice but I wanted to make sure you are okay.

I sighed at all the messages I had to reply to. Usually I wouldn't care but for some reason today I didn't even feel like messaging people back but I did anyways. I put my phone back onto the small table and ignored all the ringing it was making. I knew they all messaged back but I didn't feel like reading it or messaging them back.

I curled up into a ball and fell asleep.

Day 2

And to think yesterday was bad. I felt worse today than I did yesterday but that also might be because I haven't ate anything but a granola bar that was in my backpack. My stomach was growling like crazy but I didn't feel like getting up.

I looked over at the clock to see that it was almost time for all the boys to come home from school and practice. I knew I had to get up and get downstairs so that I wouldn't have to see anybody. I haven't talked to anybody in person for about a day now. Carter and my mom text me nonstop making sure I'm okay. They probably think I'm depressed. Which I'm not. Well at least I don't think so?

My stomach loudly growled. I sighed as I got out of bed and walked over to the bathroom. I needed a shower before I went downstairs. I took a quick shower and got dressed in clean comfortable clothes. I walked downstairs and into the kitchen. My mom was standing there cooking.

She smiled right as she saw me. "You're finally out of that room of yours. How are you?"

"Good." I grabbed a bag of chips and a soda then walked away. I heard her call out my name but I didn't stop. I just kept walking. I felt kind of bad that I did that to her. She doesn't deserve it but I honestly don't feel like talking.

I crawled into bed and covered up. I ate some chips and drank some soda as I watched a marathon of Law and Order: SVU.

It was now dark out. I looked at the bag of chips that were laying beside me. It was empty. Did I really eat that whole brand new bag of chips? Wow. I got up and threw the bag of chips away. I walked to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. Right as I walked out of the bathroom. My bedroom door opened and in came Brad. I sighed.

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