Chapter 25

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No school today!! So I decided to make a quick update! ☺️

It's been a week since the night of me and Brad's heart to heart about our other parents.

I asked him what he was going to say to me before he fell asleep that night but he told me he didn't remember. A part of me wanted to say he did remember what he was going to say but I just shrugged it off and let it go. It probably wasn't anything important.

"Kali come on! We don't have all day!" Brad shouted.

"I'm coming!" I shouted back.

I grabbed my bag and headed out of my room. Now you're all probably thinking I'm going to Greece. Sadly I'm not well of right now. I swear it felt like John told us we were going to Greece like five years ago!

This weekend I'm going on a camping trip with Carter, Brad, Luke, Hunter, Lucy, Ian, Brad's girlfriend Anna and my mom and John. Noah and Shawn aren't going so Shawn said he would watch Noah while we all are gone for two days. Hayden and Haliey couldn't come because Hayden had a baseball game and Haliey is going to her friends birthday party. I'm sad that she can't come but thankfully Lucy is coming!

I walked downstairs and right out the front door. Everyone was throwing their bags into the trunk of the car.

"So Kali who are you going with? John and I or the boys?" Mom asked.

Well I definitely don't want to be in a long car ride with Brad's girlfriend Anna..

"You and John." I said.

"Okay well get in and we will go get Lucy and Ian." Mom walked over to her side of the car and got in.

"Wait you're not coming with us?" Carter asked.


"I'm going with you then. I would rather enjoy a car ride with you than my brothers." He smirked. I gave him a small smile.

He grabbed his bag and put it in his dad's car. We both got into the car. We chose to pick the very back seats. We left the middle seats for Lucy and Ian.

We drove all the way to Lucy's house to pick up her and Ian.

"Hey Lucy!" I smiled.

"Hey Ka Ka!" She smiled back.

"Don't call me that!"

"Why not?"

"Because it means poop." I crinkled my nose in disgust. She laughed.

"Hey bro." Carter fist pumped Ian.

"Hey everyone. So who's all excited for this camping trip!" Ian shouted.

"Ian, sweetie I love you but you are too loud. Talk normal we can all here you fine." Mom said.

"Oh sorry Kate. I'm just pumped!" Ian started bouncing up and down in his seat like a little kid that had way too much sugar.

I reached over and held onto his shoulders trying to get him to calm down.

"Ian chill out." I let out a little laugh.

"Sorry I'm just really excited." He chuckled.

"Yeah I can tell." I sat back into my seat and moved my hands away from his shoulders. I put my hand onto the seat by Carter's thigh. He put his hand over mine. His thumb moving up and down on my hand. I looked over at him to see him smiling. I gave him a shy smile and looked away.

"So who's sleeping with who and where are we sleeping?" Ian asked. Good question Ian.

"Well all the girls will be in one cabin while all the boys are in the other cabin then Kate and I will be in a cabin and before you freak out about not having enough space. Trust me you will. These cabins are big." John said.

We all sighed in relief.


Did he just say all the girls will be in one cabin!? That means..Anna will be staying in the same cabin as me!

Oh nonononono.

I can already tell there is going to be drama.

"By the way your face looks. I can tell you aren't too happy." Ian said. I didn't even notice him starring at me. I didn't even notice Lucy and Carter were starring at me too.

"Uh...yeah I'm not."

"And why is that?" Lucy asked.

"I don't really like Anna."

"I don't either." Lucy said.

"It's okay Kali. No need to worry about her. When it comes to you two. She is like a rat and you are like a unicorn." Ian smiled.

Wait what the fuck is he talking about?

"What?" I looked at him confused.

"Yeah what?" Lucy asked.

"I'm saying Kali is the pretty unicorn and Anna is the ugly rat." Ian said.

He's so weird but you gotta love him.

To be honest he actually made me feel a little bit better...

"Thanks Ian." I smiled.

"No problem anything for my pretty unicorn." He winked at me.

What the hell is wrong with this boy? Pretty unicorn? I mean I guess I should take the compliment but still it's weird. He's weird but I love him.

"Dude you sound so...-" Carter began to say but Lucy finished for him.

"Weird." Lucy said.

"Childish." Carter said.

"Strange." I said.

"Okay I get it guys." Ian sighed.

"We still love you though." I patted him on the shoulder.

"Yeah I know. I mean who can't love this?" He started flexing his biceps.

We all just shook are heads and laughed.

This was kind of a pointless update but I needed you all to get to know Ian a little bit more. You can definitely say he's the weird funny one out of the group. Haha.

Should I try to do a update tomorrow?


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