Chapter 55

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Here's the other update!!!

Enjoy :)

It's the first night I'm back from the hospital. I was sleeping but I had a nightmare about my dad. I guess I was screaming loudly that's why everyone rushed to my room. I told them I was fine but of course I wasn't and I think they all knew that. Everyone left to give me some space but Brad and Noah.

"Kali I will sleep with you so you won't have anymore nightmares." Noah smiled. I pulled him into me and wrapped my arms around his small body.

"Thanks Noah." I kissed his forehead.

"I love you like a big sister." Noah said. I smiled to myself.

"Aw Noah I love you like a little brother." I hugged him tighter.

"Hey what about me?" Brad pouted. I pulled away from Noah and looked over at Brad.

"You aren't cool like us so you don't get a hug or a I love you." Noah stuck his tongue out at Brad. I laughed and Brad crossed his arms and stuck out his bottom lip.

"Now I'm sad. Thanks for making me sad guys." Brad said. I whispered into Noah's ear telling him that we should tackle Brad. He nodded in agreement.

"Get him!" Noah shouted. Noah and I both tackled Brad on my bed. Brad fell back and Noah and I were now on top of him.

"Hey no teaming up! That's not fair." Brad laughed.

"You aren't boss. We do what we want." Noah said.

"Yeah what he said." I agreed.

"Don't make me tickle you guys." Brad smirked. Noah and I looked at each other in fear. Noah got up and ran towards the door and so did I. We ran down the hallway and down the stairs. Brad was following right behind us. We all kept laughing but we tried to stay quite as possible so that we wouldn't wake anyone up.

"Oh shit." I cursed before I slipped and fell onto the ground. "Ow ow ow." My body is still so sore from my dad. I felt like crying but I held the tears back and tried to get back up.

"I'm here." Brad said as he grabbed onto me and helped me up. I winced in pain. "Are you okay? Do you need help walking?"

"No I'm fine. I can walk." I forced a smile but I could tell he knew it was a fake one.

"Okay." He gave me a sad smile.

"Let's go eat some cereal." I tried to lighten up the mood.

"Cereal at this time? It's midnight."


"Okay let's go eat some cereal then. First we have to find Noah."

Noah jumped out of nowhere. Scaring us both. A small shriek escaped my mouth. They both laughed at me. I playfully hit both of their arms.

"You want some cereal, buddy?" Brad asked Noah.

"Oh yes! I love cereal!" Noah jumped up and down.

"So do I." I smiled.

We walked into the kitchen and made ourselves some cereal. We all sat at the table and ate our cereal while talking about Spider-Man, Aliens, Bigfoot, Toys, movies, cats, you name it! We were talking about everything.

"Can we watch a movie now!" Noah asked.

"Sure." Brad got up and took all of our plates. He put them into the sink and then we all walked into the living room and sat on the couch. We turned off all the lights and covered up with a big blanket. We watched some Lego movie because that's what Noah wanted to watch and yes I thought it was going to be dumb but it was actually funny. Brad and I couldn't stop laughing. Noah on the other hand didn't laugh at all but that's because he fell asleep. Finally the movie was over and it was now three o'clock in the morning. Thank god I don't have to go to school today. I get this whole week off because of the incident with my dad.

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