Twice - Bet

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You post a photoTwice + AppaaaSana🐍 : Awhhhh

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Twice + Appaaa
Sana🐍 : Awhhhh.. Y/N is so sweet..
Chaeng🐯 : Whats happening?
Momo🐷 : Y/N post a photo of Nayeon unnie
🐰❤️ : I know right? 😏
Chewy : I guess he lost a bet.. Right, unnie?
OstrichJeong : Yah Y/N! Really???
🦖❤️ : Kind of..
Jihyo📢 : What kind of bet?
🦖❤️ : Some movie and blablabla
Dubu : Blablabla?
🐰❤️ : Okay let me tell you.. We bet who's sleeping first on our movie marathon, who eat the most icecream, who lost on games.. And this lovely Choi Y/N lost in movie and icecream.. 2-1
🦖❤️ : Its not fair!!! The movie was so slow!! I need some action.. Your unnie waste a box of tissue for that movie!!! Also icecream, I dont eat too much sweet!
🐰❤️ : I won loser😜
Mina🐧 : At least you won that games part
Jihyo📢 : How about we do a new one! I mean we pick random challenge.. Who's in?
Dubu : Me me me!
Chewy : I'll just watch your dumbass lose
Jihyo📢 : Language, maknae!!!
OstrichJeong : I'm in!
Sana🐍 : Me too!!
🦖❤️ : Me three!
🐰❤️ : Me 4
Chaeng🐯 : Me 5
Mina🐧 : I'm busy
Momo🐷 : You're busy with the games.. btw I'm in too
Jihyo📢 : Alright! So we will write the challenges that we want and put in box.. I'll pick 5 challenges.. For that I need Y/N and Nayeon unnie to come to dorm..
🦖❤️ : We'll be there later before dinner.. This bunny request a date
🐰❤️ : Got to go! See you later
🦖❤️ : Go get ready Im Nayeon!
Dubu : You guys will be out on another hour if she just about to get ready..
🦖❤️ : She's picking a dress.. Luckily she's already showered
OstrichJeong : Woah! That shower save you 30 minutes..
Chewy : But that dress and makeup will take time
🦖❤️ : Yeah but she's on call with Sana and Momo for that..

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