Nayeon - Jealous

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I'm in parking lot waiting for my girlfriend finish her work. As usual, I'm just excited waiting for her. Yeah I'm excited every single time.

The lift open and there's 2 people, my girlfriend and some other guy. Maybe the photographer, producer or anyone she work with.

At first, there's no problem at all. But then, the guy say something and she's laughing while hit his arm. Man.. He love it.. That's my cue.

I drive to her and unlock the door. She bid goodbye and enter the car.

Nayeon : Hey babe.. Am I making you wait too long?
Me : No *with low voice*

I just keep driving and she's jamming to the radio. Then, she notice that I'm too quiet.

Nayeon : Work stress? *massaging my arm*
Me : No
Nayeon : Hungry?
Me : A little
Nayeon : Ahh~~~ Dont be like this.. Tell me what's wrong... *whines*
Me : Nothing
Nayeon : Babe~~~
Me : Hmm~

Nayeon start thinking and smiling at me.

Nayeon : Jealous??? *teasing*
Me : Hmm
Nayeon : *laughing* Babe.. You're jealous with some random guy??
Me : He make you laugh and he loves the reaction you gave *red face, half angry*
Nayeon : But I love youuu~~ *try to kiss*
Me : I'm driving
Nayeon : My baby boy jealous~~~ He just the photographer at the photoshoot.. Nothing more
Me : Tell him that not me..
Nayeon : If you say so *faking a phone call* Hello, it's me Nayeon.. Wanna hangout?

Great there's red light. I turn to her and grab the phone. Just our photo from last christmas on lockscreen.

Nayeon : Busted! *laughing* You're jealous... *poke my cheek*
Me : *green light, drive* Yeah I am.. What's wrong with that?
Nayeon : Nothing.. *gummy smile* You know people said jealous means you really love someone..

Man.. I'm too weak for her gummy smile.. Okay I'm half melt and half angry now

Me : I am love you!
Nayeon : You know what else..
Me : What?
Nayeon : You're cute when you're in jealous mode..
Me : You're more cuter than me *whisper*
Nayeon : I knoww~~

I take her hand in mine..

Me : I really really love you, Nabong.. And I'm scared if you'll leave me for another..
Nayeon : *put her head on my shoulder~* I love you too~
Me : I'm glad to hear that and I'm sorry..
Nayeon : It's okay cute boy! *peck my cheek*
Me : I'll pay that kiss later baby..

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