Her album

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This is not oneshot like the usual, just doing something different..
I just want to do something like review or maybe just some comments

No Problem (ft Felix skz) - It's catchy and I can hear it on loop.. The lyrics.. Like you ready to everything for your one.. I mean like she wanna tell you that she always there for you..

Love Countdown (ft Wonstein) - Catchy too! The lyrics for me.. Hmmm it's like.. A song that you wanna sing to your crush for confess.. For the Wonstein parts, it's like the crush want the love too but overthink everything and turn scare.. This is my opinion, so dont take it so serious..

Sunset - This song will make you feel calm and you wanna hear it when you're alone and on rainy days.. The lyrics are so related to me.. Just a feeling you had for someone you shouldn't be love but you still take the risk...

Candyfloss - This song too cute for me.. Her voice is soothing.. I mean.. Her voice melt like a candyfloss.. Lyrics.. Maybe she really like the candyfloss😂.. I dont know.. Maybe the kissing feels?? Ahh!!

Happy Birthday To You - Catchy too! Dang! Okay okay! For lyrics.. The scenario play in my mind is.. It's like you literally have something bad or simply put, you got worst days.. Then, she want you to put everything aside just for the day and spent it well with her.. Okay now tell me, WHO'S BIRTHDAY IS THIS???!! YOU ARE DAMN LUCKY! Okay imma relax.. I think I'll play this on my birthday start from this year..

All Or Nothing - Let me be real! I have this on loop and so calmly! I swear I can hear her voice all day long.. Alright for lyrics, simply put.. A couple broke up because one of them suddenly fall in with someone else.. But then, that person lose everything but the other still stay for them.. Another simple explanation, she just need a guide because she lost.. And just stay with her..

Pop - We all know how POP this one is so no need to elaborate more.. For the lyrics, imma say.. She's your crush and knew it! She always tease you about it.. But another twist is, you are her crush too.. So yeah! Enjoy the dream! 🥲

(No specific reason that I'm doing this... Just missing her and decide to hear her songs.. I swear I'm not planning on doing this.. Instead of just hear it, I did a whole album review😂 I'm jealous with whoever that bought the albums cause every songs are too good.. Now that I've listened to all her songs, I miss her even more.. 🥲)

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