Nayeon - Photoshoot

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Your POV

Here we are, at the set! Just another day following Im Nayeon to her photoshoot.. Yeah, I just love follow her to photoshoot act like her manager, well we planned together.

She just change wardobe and it look fantastic! She look cute yet sexy! If the makeup artist didn't come earlier, we must be in making out.. Damn!

Just giving her drink and seat while texting her.

Is that drink good, beautiful? - you
Yup! Chill and nice! - her
You look good in that clothes.. But you look better without it.. - you (look at her and wink)
Yah! The makeup artist will notice! Cool down, big boy - her

I look at her and she's smirking.. Adjusting my pants and mutter "game".. And she nod..

After the makeup artist left, she's coming to me and sit on my lap.

"Hi babe.." she peck my lips
"Yes beautiful.." holding her tight, putting my phone down
"After this work done.." she still kissing me
"I know" holding her skirt

"Im Nayeon-ssi.. You may enter the set now.." staff

"Ah... Let's go.." i just groan while she's adjust her clothes.
"Later okay?" she peck me one last time
"Hmm" I let her walk first and open the door

I follow them and later on, the photoshoot start. She simply do the pose that the director want and nail it every single shot. I also sneakily taking her pictures from the screen and all..

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