Nayeon - IU Concert

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Your POV

I just sit on chair after having lunch meeting with my colleagues and my phone ring. It's a Facetime with my dear girlfriend. I pick it up and lean the phone on my pc as I turn the pc on. Lucky me, I have my own office.

"Hey baby, do you have a time?" she ask politely
"Sure.. I just finish lunch meeting with the team.. What it is?" I look at her
"Are you free on 17th and 18th this month?" she ask with puppy face
"This month? Wait.." I grab my calendar stand

"Oh.. It's already September.. 17 and 18.. I have to work half day on 17th and that's all.. I'm free then.. Why?" I ask her
"I.. got us ticket to IU sunbaenim's concert!!!!!!" she squeal, showing the tickets
"Woah! That's so cool baby.. How do you get it?" I smile
"Online of course! I've wait and wait till my turn! The queue was long and taking some time but I managed it!" she showing her gummy smile
"Aigo.. Good job, baby.. Have you eaten yet?" I ask her

And our conversation end not long after that. She must be excited for that moment.. Last time when IU having concert, she's having comeback and tour too, so she cant went to the concert. She cried when she talked to me about she missed the concert and in bad mood for the whole week.

Fast forward to the concert day

After work, I quickly go home, change my clothes and grab my bag before left to Twice's dorm. I decide to go there early and taking some naps.. I push the passwords and open the door. I just lay on their couch and close my eyes.. Some members also there watching the drama.

"Can someone inform your unnie that I'm here.. Also, tell her to wake me up when she's getting ready.. Thank you.." and I'm into the dreamland

"Jinhyeok-ah.. Babe.. Wake up.." she wake me up with kisses
"Ummm.." I face to her and open my eyes
"Is it time already?" I ask her
"Yeah.. Let's get ready.. I'm sure the traffic will be busy soon.." she give last kiss before get up but I hold her hand
"5 minutes more" I pull her, so she fall on top of me and hug her

"Watching you guys are like watching the drama.." Momo say
"My eyes burn.." Tzuyu mumble
"Alright! Let's get ready.." I sit up slowly with Nayeon on me

I get some shower and wear my clothes. I look at Nayeon picking her clothes..

"Left or right?" she show me her clothes
"Right cause you're always right.. I'm gonna go eat something in kitchen.." I leave her room

I munch on leftover kimbap and drink some soda. I take a last peak on her room to check on her.. I go to their shoes closet.. It's easy to know whose shoes it is since they label by rows. I pick few sneakers for her and put in on front door. I check my bag.. Snack, gummies, fan..

Plus minus, we arrive at the venue 1 hour later.. Stuck on some traffic and trouble in parking but we managed it. After we get in the venue, we go to our seats. She's amaze at everything.. The venue, the stage, the weather.. She just excited for this day.. They play some songs before the actual concert start..

"Uh babe.. I need to go toilet for awhile.. Can you stay here alone?" I ask her..
"Yeah sure.. Dont worry.. Go.." she push me

I go to the toilet and do some business.

"Ah.. That feel so nice.." I fix my pant and see someone that sooo familiar to me.
"Beombeom?" I call him
"Oh hyung! Hey hehe.." he wave at me
"You're here too? Ah of course you're here! How come you dont invite me, huh????" I ask him, with glare
"Oh yeah.. Uh.. Let me tell you.." he say

3rd's POV

Someone knocking on Twice's dorm.. Jihyo get the door and see Beomgyu on screen.

"Hey, Boemgyu, right?" Jihyo ask
"Yes I am.. Is Nayeon noona home?" he ask
"Yeah.. Come in, I'll call her.." Jihyo let Beomgyu come inside

Nayeon go to the living room, seeing his boyfriend's brother.

"Hey.. Why you're here? Isn't Jinhyeok outstation? Something happened?" she ask
"Wifi on my place sucks.." he say
"Unfortunately, here too.." she say
"Noona.. Do you remember one thing we have in common?" he ask
"I dont remember we have one.. Do we?" she still thinking

"It's IU!! Look, she's having concert soon!" he show me the online poster on his phone
"Oh shit! Is it?? When is it?" she ask him
"Next month! 17th and 18th September!" he excitedly say

"Okay.. Still.. I dont get it.. Your wifi suck, IU concert.." Nayeon say
"Aigoo Noona.. The ticket! They only sell it online! It will be on this midnight!" he show another poster

"Seriously?!! Why just tell me now?! How can we get it if our wifi sucks.." Nayeon say in low voice

"Let's go to pc place! They have great wifi there.."

They both go to pc place but it's full and they dont have much time..

"Awh.. It looks like I cant attend it again.." Nayeon sadly say
"Ah! I know one more place with awesome wifi!" he say

And they arrive on your apartment. They quickly turn on the pc. Nayeon get on your pc in your room while Beomgyu get on his. They get ready to queue and get some tickets. Minute by minute pass are like hell to them.

"YesSss!! Noona! I got ticket for 2 days!" Beomgyu shout from his room
"Shut up! I'm still in line! I need to focus.." she say

Few more minutes, her turn come. Even Beomgyu come to take a look.

"Calm down, Im Nayeon.. Focus.." she calmly pick seats, dates and pay it..
"I got it! I got It!!!! Yah Beomgyu!" she punch the air

Your POV

"And that's how we got the tickets.. That's intense right?" he jokingly wipe his imaginary tears
"Whatever.. Enjoy the concert and let's go eat after this end.." I mess with his hair
"Alright! See you later.." he smilingly go to his seat
"I cant believe they actually can cooperate with each other in that situation.. Their bond is funny.." I smile

" I smile

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