Nayeon - Buddy

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I have been adopted a new samoyed puppy a few minutes ago.

I'm in my car and now I confuse to name him, between Max or Buddy

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I'm in my car and now I confuse to name him, between Max or Buddy. So I call my precious girlfriend.

Me : Hey babe.
Nayeon : Hey babe.. What's going on?
Me : Uhh nothing. Hey you're home?
Nayeon : Nope but my schedule will finish another 30 minutes.
Me : Great, I'll pick you up. JYP?
Nayeon : Nope, I'll send you the address.
Me : Okay see you later. I love you
Nayeon : Love you too *whisper*

End of call.. I find her cute when she whispers whenever she's on public. Few minutes later, I get the address.

Not too far. I just need to drive there. After 20 minutes drive, I arrive at the address and park at the parking lot. I text Nayeon so she'll know where to head.

15 minutes later, I see an angel get out from the lift. I start the car and drive to her. I unlock the door and she's get inside.

Me : Hi baby.
Nayeon : Hi.. I'm half exhausted..
Me : Open the dashboard, there's snack.
Nayeon : I'm on diet babe *but still looking for the snack*
Me : *hehehehe*
Nayeon : This looks like some puppy snacks.. *still munching*
Me : It is..
Nayeon : WHAT!!! *shockkk*
Me : Shhhh.. Dont be so loud.. Human can eat that too.. I already eat some..
Nayeon : Okay.. Hey why is the volume so slow? I can barely hear anything.. *adjust the volume*
Me : He's sleeping..
Nayeon : Who? It's just us in the car.. Dont scare me Y/N..
Me : *laughing* Just look at the backseat.. Oh and if it wake up, give him some snacks..
Nayeon : Yah! *hit me*

Nayeon look back and see 'him' on pillow with blanket and seatbelt on. (just imagine you put the puppy on the center backseat) He's looking at Nayeon and give her little barks.

Nayeon get the puppy and he's now on Nayeon's lap eating snacks.

Me : Hey there little man.. *pat his head*
Nayeon : *give kisses to the puppy* What is your name? (you know the voice whenever she talk to dogs)
Me : He dont have yet.. I still confuse between Buddy and Max. Pick one for me..
Nayeon : Hello Buddy *give another kisses*

Buddy seems happy and lick Nayeon's face too.. He barks at me.

Me : Hey Buddy.. You need to sit properly.. *in a serious mood since you're driving*
Nayeon : Awhhh.. First scold.. Pity you baby boy.. It's alright.. Mommy's here.. Sit..

And with that Buddy sit properly on Nayeon's lap.

Me : Hey Buddy. *bark* You're my puppy but you're listen to my girlfriend? *bark*
Nayeon : *giggles* Well.. I'm too pretty to disobey.. Right Buddy? *bark*

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