Nayeon - On tour

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I just about to sip my coffee and I hear quite loud noises.

They must be home..


They callin for me..

"Coming" I shout as I go downstairs

"What do you have for us today????" all of them ask me in sync
"Hey you hyenas! Calm down.. I dont have time to cook today because I have meetings today" I say as I put my arm on my girlfriend's shoulder.
"Awhhhh.." they all look down

"So you're not cooking?" Momo ask
"Obviously" I playfully roll my eyes
"I dont want to be your daughter anymore! I'm gonna run away" Chaeyoung walk to the stairs. Well, the others too
"Slow down girls.. I already ordered something for us earlier.."
"I'm joking,Appa! I'm gonna hit the shower now!" Chaeyoung smiling and run to upstairs
"We too!" other 8
"Yeah sure you are.." me

Okay! You must be wondering how can I stay with the girls and where we are. We're in LA and we're staying in a mansion. A big one. All of they making so much aegyos (including our savage maknae,Tzuyu), so here I am. Lucky them,my office decide to divide the staff by teams to do work from home and it's my WFH week, so I can tag along.

Back to scene, the bell rings and I saw our deliveries already here. By deliveries, I mean from 3 different restaurant, 3 different cuisine! Dont worry, in a short time, the foods will be gone since they had a longgg day.

I set the foods on table, the cutleries and all. Not long, one by one come to the dining. When everyone are here, we start our dinner.

"Yah Momo! Calm down! Nobody gonna steal your food!" Jihyo hold Momo's hand from taking anymore foods because her plate already look like a mountain
"She will" Momo point the fork on Jeongyeon
"Momo!" I call her along with the glare,yeah like a Appa,that's why they call me that
"Yes I will!" Jeongyeon quickly grab the chicken that Momo was about to take
"Yoo Jeongyeon!" my girlfriend's turn.

The others just continue to eat while muffle the laugh since their mouths are full. Yeah! That's what I'm handle everytime we had to eat together or just be together.. I need to control 9 girls, more to little girls because of their height and characters.

After the dinner, I doing the dishes while the girls clean the table. Then, they head to the basement. This mansion have a room just like their practice room, so they use it to do their own rehearsal. Just to check some details. After done the dishes, I cut some fruits and send it to their practice room and back to my room, me and Nayeon obviously!

I look at my watch, hmm 11.30pm.. I hope they dont practice to long, they still have tomorrow's concert. While they doing practice, I continue on my works. Checking emails, reports and some more. At 1am, I strecthing my body and get ready to bed.

Not long after I lay on bed, I hear footsteps. Door open and close, shower sounds and yawning. She must be so tired. I keep looking at her all the time but due to the darkness and her visibility in dark, she dont notice me.

As soon as she lay beside me, I gently drag her near me and spoon her.

"You still awake? Or did I make you awake?" she corcernly ask
"Nope.. I just lay in bed when all of you on stairs.. I've been watching you since you open that door.." I kiss her forehead
"You see everything?" she ask with her eyes close
"Everything babe" I smirk
"You naughty boy" she tickles me for a few seconds

"Ah.. I'm too tired for play.." she yawn, cute!
"I know.. Let me recharge you!" I tighten my hug and give smooches all over her face
"Hey!! Enough!" she giggle while dodging my kisses
"Feel better?" I ask
"Much better" she show me her famous gummy smile
"You know, I'll always be here for you.. I'll be your charger port for you to recharge your energy.. Just like how you do to me.." I softly brush her hair
"I know.." she's already half way to dreamland

I just continue humming to random songs.. She'll never notice that I humming to 'Perfect World' since I heard a light snore. I kiss all over her face before I'm getting sleepy too!

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