Twice - NaMoMiTzu +ve

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Twice + Appa
Jihyo📢 - Alert!! NaMoTzu are +ve covid!
You🦖 - Eh! Im Nayeon! Why you didn't told me when we FaceTime earlier?????
🐰💜 - I'm too nervous!
You🦖 - Poor my baby!
Chewy🐶 - Poor her..
OstrichJeong - Aren't you too chewy?
Momo🐷 - We are!!!
You🦖 - So we are the 3 staying? Separate room?
Jihyo📢 -Since they're from different rooms, they'll stay in the biggest room... Plus, the others still have individual schedule..
You🦖 - Alrite!! Just give me a call if you girls need anything

Chaeng🐯 - And unnie will say 'i need you'
🐰💜 - i need you
Chaeyoung and Nayeon text at the same time!

You🦖 - Damn! You're so right cub!😂
Others - 😂😂😂

The next day
Sana🐍 - Oppa! Are you coming today?
You🦖 - Sure! Just stop by few shops.. Why?
Mina🐧 - I'm joining them.. So buy extra foods and medicines
You🦖 - Damn! You girls should stay put!!!!!! Yah! No one out from that dorm! Stay inside!!

"I know he will be kinda mad.." Nayeon chuckle
"Me too" Momo joining
"I bet he will be more crazy if there's more later" Tzuyu smirk
"Since we got nothing to do and the energy to do anything.. Let's rest and.. Yeah rest!" Nayeon lay back on her bed
"Yes!Rest and games" Mina celebrating in tiny

Your POV
After buy kinda a lot stuff, i finally head to Twice's dorm. I got some trouble at first because I have so many things for them and I really mean it when I said I dont want them left that dorm!

Luckily i met Bambam and Yugyeom on my way down for the second trip.. They help me brought the stuffs and we put it infront of the door.

After they left, I stay as I gotta write some notes on the medicines and some cheering notes. About 5 minutes writing, i finally getting done. I stick the last note,keep everything in a quite neat position, I press the bell and quickly run to the lift.

I walk to the park beside the building. I quickly dialing for my bunny and she quickly answer it too! Lucky me, I still can see her across the road.

"Hey!" she sound cheerful but her voice getting bad due to cough
"Look out at the window..Precisely at the park." I already smiling to the thought that I'll be able to see her

She look out and see me waving her, she's waving back.

"Hey again my precious bunny.. How are you feeling today?" I smiling at her
"Some coughing and flu... Wait.. I'm gonna grab my glass.." she's away from the window

Few seconds later, she's coming back with her glass on..

"See me better?" I smirk
"Much better..." she weakly smile
"You look so tired.. I'll be quick.." i say as i want her to rest well
"No it's okay.." her assuring smile
"No it's not.."
"Fine.." she's pouting

"No pouting since no kisses till the quarantine over.. Okay listen.. You still have your budtaste??" i ask her
"Still her but this flu and cough just make me just drink more.."
"Okay.. So, I have pack some soup that ny mom made, so eats some no pressure, okay?"
"Yes..." she nod
"Then, dont forget you meds and vitamins.."
"Do you buy something else?" she ask
"Yes I do.. I bought few gummies but just 1 pack per day.."
"Hehehe... Thank you.." she send a flying kiss

"Ah... There's more but I forgot what I bought.. There's so much.. Dont worry, I have wrote some notes so they will read the instructions.. Just rest well okay, cutie?"
"Okay!" she show me okay sign👌🏻
"Okay good girl.. I'll come again tomorrow after work.. Text me if you need anything.. I'll buy it when I come by..."
"Yeay okay!! But is it okay? Dont you tired?" she's wondering
"Nah it's fine... You just need to recovery from this sick.. Gotta go now.." I wave at her
"Hmm... Thank you babe.. Gonna miss you.." i see her wipe her eyes..

"Hey.. Dont cry.. I'll go to you when the quarantine's over.. Dont worry and I love you.." my heart sink a bit when I hear her crack voice
"Hmm... I love you too.." she close the curtain and end the call..

"Aigoo my clingy bunny.." i smile as i walk back to my car...

(so about them being +ve.. nothing we could do but just gotta wish for their health.. wishing a fast recovery.. also may they rest well after few nonstop concerts and schedules.. i just really hope they get over this soon.. im just so worry about them, her.. but they dont even know that im exist😂)
gws girls!

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