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"You make me feel special~ hmm~ Oh yeah!! Dinner dinner chicken dinner!!!" I look at the camera.

Currently, I just finished my game while on live. So, I read some comment and eat some snack.

"Sing another song? Hmm wait.." as I looking for another song. I pick It's You By Henry. I sing to the song while texting my bunny. Suddenly, she call.

"Hey princess!"
"Heyyy.. Are you busy?"
"Nah.. Just finished a game but I'm on live now.. You need anything?" I ask her while scroll the comments.
"Ah~ Nope.. Can you pick me tomorrow?"
"Yes sure.. I'm free then.. Tell me where and when.."

"Eh?! Reveal you girlfriend? Oh no guys.. I dont think so but I can put her on speaker, if she want to.. Wait a second"

"Hey babe.. You hear me right? They want a reveal.. Can I put you on speaker?" I ask her permission.
"Sure! I'm glad to.."

"Okay babe.. You're on speaker.." I say to her.
"Hey my boyfriends' streamers and followers.. Glad to talk here.. Take care of him for me! Bye!" she say and I put her on normal call.

"So babe.. I'll text you later.. Gotta go now! I love you!" she make a kiss sound.
"Yeah I love you too bunny!" and I end the call.

"So that's my girlfriend, a cute bunny!" I smile to the camera.

"Tour house? Hmm.. Sure, I can do it now.. Give me few minutes.. I'll leave you guys with the songs.." I put on Twice playlist and leave the room.

I quickly check my house and luckily it's not mess. I also check if there's Nayeon's picture and there's none. After check everything, I get back to my game room and take my phone.

I change the camera to my phone cause I use the pc camera for the live.

"Okay ready guys? Let's go to my house tour! Okay first is the gaming room where I record my gaming session here. Ah also, there's some books over there! Next room!" I walk out my game room and change to front camera.

"Now is my wardrobe which is inside my room, I am not showing my room cause it's kinda my privacy but I can show you my wardrobe instead!" I smile
"Here, as you can see there's 2 sides. The left one is mine and right one is hers. Basically, my clothes are hers too.. Sadly, I cant wear her clothes!" I laugh.

After the wardrobe, I show my fridge and my living room.

"I guess, that's all for today's live! See you guys next time and thank you!!!! Peace out!" I smile and end the live.

Suddenly, a ringing be heard. I dont remember I invite someone today.. I walk to the door and open it.

"Eh? What are you doing here, shortie?" I mess with her hair.
"Yah!! I want to crash your live.." Nayeon pout.
"Why????" I ask her as she walk inside.
"Nothing.. Just for fun.." she show her famous gummy smile.

"Whatever.. Have you eat yet? What time is it now?" I ask her while checking my fridge.
"Nope and it's near midnight.." she lay on sofa, maybe exhausted.
"Wanna eat out?" I give her a glass of water and sit beside her.
"I'm tired..." she whine

"I'll carry you on my back.." I go to my room and grab my wallet and phone.
"Okay let's go!" I lower my back to give her a piggyback.

In the car

"Why I cant appear on your live?" I can sense her sulking in her tone.
"Because you're a star, baby.." I calmly answer.
"I dont want to trouble you guys with the news.. especially you" I put her hand in mine.
"I'm okay with that but I dont want you to be stress with all that.. So, we just keep it low, alright?" I smile to her as I've just park the car.

"Hm alright" she smile
"Just wait a little longer.. There must be a perfect time for all these.." I kiss her forehead.

She pout and close her eyes.

"Aigoo my princess.. Why are you soooo cute~" I pinch her cheeks
"Shut up and kiss me"

Say no more, babe.. And we kiss...

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