22th September

130 8 0

(I'm posing this based on South Korean time.. So yeah, Happy birthday Im Nayeon!)

Your POV

I'm in my car with my mom, we're on our way to hospital. My dad has been warded 2 days ago and just been operated yesterday. So, my parent will stay with me this month.

*'Pop' playing on radio*

"This song is quite catchy! Also, the voice is so familiar but I cant remember where I heard it.." my mom say
"Eomma.. It's Nayeon.. She's released her solo mini album.." I smile, feeling proud of my girl
"Is it? I dont believe it! This maybe one of your prank again!" and she continue dialing Nayeon on her phone
"She got full schedules today.. Believe me!" I whine

Eomma use the Facetime and Nayeon answer the call. Eh?

"Hi eommo-nim!!" she answer it excitedly
"Hi Nayeon-nie! Hyeog-gie said you released mini album lately.. Is it right?" she ask
"Yeah eommo-nim! I thought you already knew it.. He didn't told you? Aigo.." she shaking her head

Oh shit! I forgot to tell them!

"Choi Jinhyeok!" my mom called my full name
"Yeah eomma.. Oh hey baby.." I smile as my mom tilt her phone to me

"Hello eommo-nim!! Our Jinhyeok oppa is in trouble!" the girls teasing me
"I forgot.. Eomma, I'm sorry.." I give them my puppy face
"Tsk.. Whatever.. Have you girls eat yet? I can send my son to get you some foods.." my mom ask about her daughters
"It's okay.. We'll be finish after few shots and go to lunch.." Nayeon smile

I look at my side, watching my mom and girlfriend get along.. Such a view..

"How about you come for dinner?" my mom ask her
"That's sound so nice.. I would love too" she excitedly agree
"I dont love it! We dont love it! We want to eat your food too!" the girls disagree
"I guess you have 9 more daughters to feed.. They are all big eaters, Eomma.." I mumble
"We can hear you!" the girls

My mom and me discuss something..

"How about this Thursday?" I ask
"We got photoshoot in the morning.. Hmm.. That's all.." Jihyo say
"I'll get you then.. " I say
"See you then, my daughters.. We already arrive at the hospital.. Take care.." my mom end the call
"That's some intense Facetime.." I giggle

Fast forward to Thursday

My mom are busy cooking at the kitchen. Beomie and me are busy clean the house as this is our vacation house, so we're not use it quite often. My dad are watching the tv after we convinced that he should just rest.. Buddy and Toto also busy, playing in kid pool..

My small puppy are not so small anymore.. Last time I remember, he came at me at half speed and I almost drown in our pool.. I look at the watch, it's almost time..

"Eomma, Appa.. I gotta go.. Beombeom.. Let's go.." I grab my stuff in my room
"Buddy, Toto.. Take care of home, Eomma and Appa too.." I say as I dry them and the pool..

Beomgyu send me to Twice's dorm while he go and pick his friends, Yeonjun, Soobin, Taehyun and Hueningkai. Jeongyeon and me will each drive a van since we cant fit everyone in 1 van, also some of them brought their pets since no one cant look after. It's okay by me since Beomie and I brought our pets. Just gotta make sure the foods enough for everyone, along with the rooms. Cross finger!

We stop by a supermarket to buy some snacks and some other things. Then, we drive straight to the vacation house. We arrive just before the sunset, so the girls quickly run to the beach to watch it. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, ...? Where is another one? I look on my side.. There she is..

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