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Your POV

Look at the clock. Tick tock. Damn, time flies so fucking slow.. Continue working I guess..

As you walk out of pantry after getting some snack and water, you realize working hour just end as everyone start leaving. Finally!

You rushing getting everything into your bag and take quick look before leave. Since you are clumsy, you almost fall few times on your way to car.

Fast forward, now you're in flight. Yeah, she's still on tour. Damn that old man making them working so hard.

Keep looking at your watch and tapping foot, hoping you'll be there on time. I guess getting some nap wont hurt. And I sleep through the flight, even the attendant come and wake me up.

Getting the cab and head to the address. Come on, come! Ah!

"Sir, can we stop there for a minute? I need to buy something.. I'll be quick." I say as I tap the driver's shoulder.
"Sure young man. Take your time and pick your best." he smile as he stop the car.
"Thanks! I'll be quick" I rushly get out the car and run into the shop.
"No need to! Ah.. Young man.." the driver giggle

Another fast forward, we already here. She's here? This buidling apartment look alike? Dont let me down,baby..Gotta call them for sure.

"Oh hey Ji.. I already at the building, what floor again?" as soon Jihyo pick up the call.
"Yah! I clearly said 3rd floor! Also I have send you the address.. Wait! You're here already? That's fast.." Jihyo said
"Ah.. Sorry sorry.. Hahahaha, I just want confirmation! Alright, I'm gonna head up." I say
"Nah.. Just wait in the lobby.. Manager unnie will pick you, cause the restrict that floor.." Jihyo said
"Okay! Byeeee! Meet you all soon!" i end the call.

I just wanna seat and manager noona already call me.

"Jihyeok-ssi! Over here!" she wave her hand.
"A sec.." I jog to her.
"Looking eager here.." she tease me
"Why not? It's already 3 months since I last saw her.." I weakly smile.
"Dont you guys video call every week?" she ask
"It's not the same as face to face.. How is she doing? The schedule too pack.." i ask
"Of course.. They always sleep as soon as they sit in the van. Well, anywhere i'd say." she sigh
"I hope they're eating well then.. Are they?" i look at manager noona.
"Well.. That part always went too well. Hahhahahah" we laugh
"Ah, almost there.." manager noona.

I can here the music.. Her voice.. Damn! I almost tear my eyes..

As we in front the door,

"Cut! That's the wrap!! Thanks Nayeon and Felix! Thanks everyone! Let's pack and rest a while before go home! Stay here cause I've ordered some foods for us!" director

I knock the door because it's my working habit! Damn!

"Ladies first.." I mouthed.
"Whatever.." she roll her eyes

Manager noona enter the studio first.. I'm kinda nervous.. Deep breath Hyeok-ah! Let's go!

"HYUNG!!!" I've been welcomed by a puppy, eh, I mean Felix.
"Shhh.."I cup his mouth.
"Is that for meeee?" he point at my little gift.
"Nah.. For your noona, but I.. have.. something... else.. for.. you.." I struggle reaching my hand into the pocket bag..
"Here!" i hand him a bunch of sweets
"Yey! Thank you.. You may go now" he bow like a prince
"Welcome lil bro!" i pat his head

"When will we be back in Korea?" Nayeon ask
"In the middle October if not mistaken.. I'll check it later.." manager noona say
"Ah... I miss him.. I guess he's not gonna be here for my birthday this year.." she's sound sad.
"You can always video call him.." manager noona say
"It's not the same with face to face! And it's almost midnight in Korea, also tomorrow is working day.." she sigh
"What a coincidence.. He said the too.." manager noona say and leave the room

I am startle cause manager noona open the door.

"You're clear to go inside.. Out of my way.." she playfully push me in the room.
"Ehem.. Nice dress, princess.." I cough
"Yeah.. Everyone said that.. Ehh?!" she look at me.

She cant believe her eyes.

"Is that you, babe? Really? Ah.. Am i hallucinate things now?" she question herself.

I can tear run down her cheek.. She sit back,put hands on her face and cry.

"I miss you..."

I cant bear the scene. I put my bagpack down and go to her. Take her hands off her face. Wipe her tears.

"No.. You are not imagine things.. It's me.." she look at me with teary eyes
"Look, I got you some white orchids and roses here.." I show her the bouquets

She quietly take it and smell it. She look at me again. I hold her close.

"Wanna know that white orchid mean? It's mean I miss you.. And yeah, I miss you too, princess.." her eyes teary again
"Dont cry.. I'm here now.." she play with my hand.
"And for your information, I will never miss your birthday.. It's your special day and I wont let you being sad and gloomy on your day.. Not now, not never.. I swear to you.. As long as I am alive.. Even if we're not together.. I will cherish you.. I want to cherish you forever.." I peak her forehead

She still in her quiet mode, so I just tell her stories about my day and all..

Not long, I hear a cute snore.. I take a peak..

"For sure she's sleeping.. Pretty" I play with her strand hair.
"No matter what, I will always be with you on your special day.. I want to be with you.. I want to cherish you.. I wanna love you.. Forever.. I'll do my best to not let you down.. Cause I cant bear to see you sad and cry.. It hurts me more than anything.. I promise you, I want to spend my life and future with you.. Im Nayeon.."

She hold my arm tight.

"No no! Dont go!" talking in her sleep.
"You're just here! No.. Dont.." she cry again

"It's okay.. That just a dream.. I'm still here.." I put her head on my lap, letting her lay down.
"Shh.. Nayeon-ah.. I'm here.." i whisper and she's back to sleep
"Happy birthday to you, my princess.. I love you.." I whisper and join her to dreamland.

i know i'm late but Happy birthday Im Nayeon.. Got nothing but wishing you the best.. Hoping you take care, eat and sleep well. It's hurt me seeing your full tightly schedule. Just wishing to do your best on everything. I know it's your birthday but I wish we can meet eye to eye one day.. I'll be thankful if that day come.. Till then, I just love you from afar!

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