Nayeon - Bad dream

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Your POV

I wake up as my mom rush me to.

"Go take your shower. I put this here.." my mom put a black suit beside me, look like there's funeral.

I lazily get ready myself, I dont even comb my hair as I let it dry itself. I take my phone and wallet and left my room, head to living room. I sit on the sofa as I feel so dizzy.

"Son.. Come here eat some food.." my mom called me.
"Nope.. I feel so dizzy right now.. Can I stay home today?" I ask her.
"I know you're sad but you need to be strong.." my dad suddenly say.
"I'll just take a nap then.. Wake me up when we're leaving.." I close my eyes.

Now, we're on our way to somewhere.. My parent keep giving me spirit advice like "You'll be okay later.." "Dont be too sad.." .. While my brother pat my shoulder once..

What's happening here? Am I missing something?

We finally arrive at cemetery.. Wait! Cemetery???! Who's dead? Our family members? My friends here too.. Oh! There's Twice! Where's Nayeon? Maybe she got some solo schedule today..

Our family keep walking to the front. My friends also pat my shoulder.. Eh? There's Nayeon's family across from us. I just bid them.

"Here we are today gathering as we lost another beautiful soul, Im Nayeon.." the priest say.

Wait! Im Nayeon?? He must be wrong.. My Nayeon always nag about our health level and lifestyle..

"She's gone due to the accident that happen yesterday.. Let's us pray for her soul.."

It cant be her.. I'll just make sure that later..

"Now.. Friends and family may take their last time to meet her.."

Her family goes first and mourn for their 'daughter'. Then, after her family, no one go. My brother slightly push me to the front and I walk toward the coffin.

It's her! Still look so beautiful despite there's some scratch due to the accident. She's wearing our promise ring.. The necklace that I gave..

"Yah Nayeon.. Dont prank me like this.. This is too far you know.." I shake her cold body. She's not moving.
"Tell me it's a prank! It's not her right??" I look at our friends and family, laughing while shed some tears.
"It's not her!! Tell me she's hiding while laughing at me!! It's not her!!" I shout while crying..

"Nayeonie.. Wake up baby... There still much more places we need to go.. Didn't we promise to grow old together?? Please wake up.." I hold her cold hands..
"I'm sorry for being too busy for us.. I should make times for us.. I'll make more times for us so please.. Please wake up.." I cry..

3rd Person POV

You are sweating hard.

"It's not her!!!!" you finally wake up from the dream..
"It's just a dream... Phone!" you quickly find your phone and call someone.

After 3 rings, the other line pick up.

"Yes baby.. You're up?" Nayeon ask.
"Huhh.. yes.. Where are you now?" you ask her while wipe the sweats.
"We're at the concert venue, some practices and mic checks... Ah.. I need to go now.. Bye love you!" she end the call.

You wake up and get ready. Just wearing white shirt with jacket, black pant with black sneakers. You drive to the venue and get in easily as Nayeon already give you special pass earlier.

You bought some water and snacks, sit on one of the seat near the staffs that checking on their performances.

Nayeon saw you and wink. You feel so glad that the dream is just a dream..

A fee minutes later, you walk around the venue to find a vending machine as your drink and snack finished.

"Babe!" someone called you.

You turn around to find Twice walking, maybe just finish their practice.. You drop everything and run to her. You hug and spin her around.

"I'm glad it's just a dream.." you pat her head and kiss her forehead..
"Bad dream?" Nayeon look at you.

You nod.. Then, all of you walk together to the preparation room. The girls take turn for shower and Nayeon go first.

You just wait for her at the couch, hearing some music.. More to Nayeon's covers that she always sent to you..

Then, she wear her attire for the first performance and sit beside the sleeping you.. You wake up for a bit and continue lay your head on her laps and hug her..

"Do you miss me that much?" Nayeon playing with your fluffy hair.
"Yes.. And also that dream is making me so scared.." you sleepily answer her, thighten your hug.
"Tell me about it.." Nayeon softly ask..
"Not now.. I'm still not fine with that dream.. I'll tell you later.. Let me smell you and sleep for now.." and you start snoring..
"Whatever it takes.." Nayeon smile at the view..

Your POV
Later after the concert end

"So.. You're dreaming about me? Died from an accident?" Nayeon ask me.
"Hmmm" me still not comfortable to talk about that dream..
"You thought that was one of my prank?? HAHAHAHHAHA! I will never go that far, babe..." she laughing
"Okay" still not
"You love me that much, huh?? Crying your heart in that dream.." Nayeon tease me
"Of course I love you!!" mad in tiny.
"Alright!! I love you too!!!" she peck me on lips.

I keep the kiss, smile within the kiss..

"Hey.. I am really so scare about losing you.. I dont want to lose you.. ever.." I say as we rest our forehead on each other.
"Me too.. I dont want to lose you too.." she peck again..

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