Nayeon - Haunted House

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Last night, we're watching movies at Twice's dorm then suddenly Nayeon tugged on me.

"Hmm baby?" I look at her.
"I want to go to amusement park.." she whisper in my ear
"Tomorrow...." I think for a while
"Yeah sure.. I'll book the tickets now.." I take out my phone from my pocket.
"Err.. I've booked it earlier.. after dinner hehehehe.." she giggle
"You sneaky little bunny" I launch multiple kisses on her face, neck and also tickle.

And.. here we are today! At amusement park! She was so excited when we saw the park from afar earlier. Also, she jumped around when we got out from the car.

"Faster Y/N-niee!" she pull my hand
"Woah bunny! Wait.. Your mask.." I put on her mask
"Your hair" I put on my bucket hat on her and tug her hair.
"Okay now, we're good to go.." I take her hand on mine.

She drag me around, eventhough we're always come go to amusement park, she will always excited. So cute of her..

Lastly, we're finally rest after got on almost every attraction that we can ride. But still...

"Babe.." I look at her enjoying her icecream while tug on her shirt.
"Why?" she look at me, some icecream got on her cheek.
"Aigoo" I wipe it.

"Hehehe.. So, why are you calling me?" she ask me.
"Can we go to last one.. Pleaseee" I show 1 while pleading her.
"But we have try everything..." she say with her confuse face
"Not everything.." I mumble
"Oh okay sure.. Let's go!" she finish her icecream and drag me again.


"Nope!" she stop in front the place.
"Baby please..." I hold both of her hands.
"Nope nope nope.." she shake her head multiple times.
"I let you use my black card for a month!" I try to persuade her.

"No.. eh? Black card? A month?" she ask again.
"Yes yes yes.. So please baby.." I pout cause I need to use my aegyo.. Well reverse card..
"Fine! Just this one time! Only this time! Not more.." she babble while I happily drag her inside the haunted house.

As soon we step inside, she scream her heart out. Well, she's screaming on every steps. After 2 minutes walk , she finally reach her limit.

"Y/N-ah..." she stop and hold me in place.

I look at my girl.

I look at my girl

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"Hey hey hey.." I quickly hug her..
"I- I hate this p-place" she say while her face still on my chest.
"Okay okay.. We'll go out in fast, okay?" I look at her in eyes.
"I can't walk.. I-I dont want to..." she cry again.
"Oh my cry baby.. Come here"

I turn around and bend to her height. She get on my back and hide her face as she dont wanna see anything. I walk to the exit. Well, it's not that scary to me, hehe.. But, poor my bunny..

"Babe, we're out.. Wanna walk?" I ask her and I hear little snore.
"You're that afraid, huh? I'm sorry babe.." I mumble to myself

I see a bunny plushy.. Throw balls.. Well, I can do that..

"Sir.. I wanna play 1 round.." I take out my money from pocket and pay.

The man look at me with confuse face.

"Err.. Young man, do you need chair?" he ask me as he point at Nayeon.
"Nope, I'm fine.." I smile.

I bend a bit and hold Nayeon with my left hand. I use my right hand to throw the balls. And, 4 from 5 balls hit the high scores.

"Wow young man! Okay, what do you want?" the man ask.
"Can I have that bunny plushy?" I point the plushy.
"Sure.. Here it is.. Enjoy your day, young man.."

And I walk out the amusement park. Luckily, I park near the entrance.. I open the door and slowly put Nayeon on her seat. I also do her seatbelt and put the plushy with her. She just hug it.

Hope you like it, babe..

I send her home.

"Babe.. wakie wakie.." I slowly shake her body.
"We're... home??" she look shock.
"Yes.. You're fall asleep on my back.." I explain to her.

"Eh? Plushy? I dont remember we get anything.." she examine the plushy.
"I get it for you after we're out from the haunted house.. I'm sorry, babe.." I hold her hand and caress it.
"It's okay.. Well.. No more scary house!" she warn me.

"Ah.. There's one more.." I open the dashboard and take 2 polaroid photos that the man take it for me earlier.
"Look this.. It's me and you and bunny.." I show the picture that I bend while holding Nayeon with my right hand and plushy on my left.
"Awh.. So sweet of you.. I'll take this one.." she pick the one that been taken show our sides.

"Alright.. I'll keep this one.. Want me send you to door?" I offer.
"Nope.. I want you to send me to my room.... On your back.." she smiling showing her gummy smile.
"Ah.. okay.." I sigh

She peck me before I get out to get her. I playfully walk to her dorm. She just giggle all the way.

Never fail to melt my heart..

We get in their dorm.

"We're back!" Nayeon excitedly say
"Oh hey.. Eh! Unnie! What's wrong? Are you hurt anywhere?" Jihyo quickly ask as she saw Nayeon on my back.
"Nah.. Just dont feeling to walk.." she wiggle her legs

"It's a cute plushy..." Dahyun and Chaeyoung squeals
"Thanks girls.. Babe.. Let's go to my room.." she do the aegyo
"Alright! Let's go!! To the infinity!!" I do the Buzz Lightyear pose while running to her room.

Nayeon just giggle even more while the girls watch the couple with smiles.

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