Nayeon - Pilate

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Your POV

You loosing a bet again with the Im Nayeon and here we are. A day with Im Nayeon.. Everything was nice. Start with a slightly burnt kimchi fried rice, well she set the fire too high.. Then, we go to studio for some composing and all.. Continue to dance practice, since I am also have interest in dance, it was good and I even sneak to SKZ practice and continue with them till Nayeon pick you up.

After lunch in the practice room, they have ordered food from nearby restaurant. Rest for awhile.. Well, short story, here we are at Nayeon's pilate class.. She booked our sessions under another male instructor because her's a woman and she's jealous with the thought of that.

The instructor lead me to the next room of her's since that room for women..

"You can put your belongings in the locker.. I'll wait for you inside.." instructor

3rd's POV

Not long after the warm up session, everyone heard your loud screams and grunts..

"HeLP! HeLp!"
"It's hurt!!"
"Stop StOp!!"

It continue until the session end..

After the session end, you walk to the parking lot.

Your POV

"What's with that funny walk??" she stiffle her laugh
"Dont get me start.." I quickly enter my car
"How many left?" I ask her
"Let's get some food and go to the photoshoot scene.." she say

After eating some foods, you made her buy ice pack for your hurt crouch. While watching her get the photoshoot done, the members arrive.

"Yo yo YO??!! Why are you doing that???!" Jeongyeon shock
"The pilates.. I dont even know they stretch that much.. I'm gonna stick to my boxing classes.." you say
"Hahahhaha! It's gonna be hurt for first time and you will get use to it later.." Jihyo say as she also take some pilates class
"Nah I'm pass.." you pat the ice around your crouch

"He's making scene at the class! It's chaos and embarrasing if you're there too, Jihyo" Nayeon making fun of me
"I am in serious hurt, okay? I'm gonna take few days off.." I scroll my phone trying to apply day leave..
"Off days? Stay at our dorm.. I'll take care of you.." Nayeon making aegyo
"And you'll be cooking our meals.." Tzuyu cut off, as soon as she join us
"Tzuyu! Why are you spoiling him??" Sana join
"I'll making sure he's gonna get his rest.." Mina say
"We too!" Chaeyoung and Dahyun agree

"My god! The maknae line protecting our oppa here..." Jeongyeon teasing
"Thanks girls" I pat the maknae line (including Mina)
"I'll be taking extra care of youuu" Nayeon pouting and finally peck my lip

"Noooo!!!" Twice
"Hehehe.. Thanks babe.." blushing..

*Here some pics of Nayeon doing pilates..

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