Nayeon - Not Fair

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(I swear the reaction vid is so cute and funny! I cant with Jeongyeon! 😂)

Your POV

I'm streaming Music Bank on Youtube while doing my report.. Well, just check on my girl since she's nominated in top 3. She's excited and talk about it ever since she's nominated..

"Let's check on the score between Kep1er - Up! and Im Nayeon Twice - Pop!!" the mc said.

I pause my work and look at my tab..

"Congratulations! Our no 1 place this week is Kep1er - Up! Congratulations again! See you again next week on Music Bank!!" the mc said and the encore start

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"Congratulations! Our no 1 place this week is Kep1er - Up! Congratulations again! See you again next week on Music Bank!!" the mc said and the encore start.

I accidently break a pencil after hear the announcement.

"The fuck! Just 4500??? 1 point?? Literally just 1 fucking point?? Haish!!" I aggresively throw the broken pencil to the trash can.

Then, my office rings indicate that office hour just ended. I shut down my pc, pck my stuff and walk out my office.

I go to supermarket and buy bunch of snacks, gummies and chocolates. I quickly drive to their dorm. When I'm arrive, she's still not there.. I feel a bit worry.

"How long till she's home?" I ask them
"40 minutes? 50?? Or maybe 1 hour?" Jeongyeon said
"It's taking too much time.." I mumble
"You know, it's peak hours now.. Also, she have a mini fanmeeting.." Chaeyoung slowly say
"Hehhh??! Ah.. Okay okay.. So what you guys wanna eat for dinner?" I ask them

"Hmm.. We dont know" they said after looking at each other
"How about pizza and chicken?? " I look at them
"The chicken is fine but pizza, we just ate it yesterday.." Jihyo said
"Noted.. I'll order some from Korean restaurant and chicken, okay?" I say while start searching for the number
"Yeah appa!!" they say and giggle afterward.

Done ordering, I go to Nayeon's room and get shower. Done showering, I rest at living room. I put on my airpod and listen to her songs. It's so comforting..

"Hey.. You're okay?" Sana poke my arm
"Huh? Oh yeah.. Ah.. Not.. Yeah.." I struggle with my words

They knew when I'm putting on my airpod or headphone sitting alone, it's mean there's something bugging me.

"Is this about Music Bank earlier?" Jeongyeon guessing
"I need some water.. Feel thirsty.." I go to the fridge and grab cool water
"It must be it.." Tzuyu say

"I mean.. Damn! Her MV got much much views!" you slam the table as you sit back
"Well.. It's normal thing.. Sometimes the company do that.." Jihyo join
"Normal? Fuck!" you curse
"Calm down.. She will win another time.. Dont worry.." Sana try to calm me

Chaeyoung come to the living room with her phone.

"Yow.. Do you check this haters? They talk shit about our unnie.." Chaeyoung went silent when she saw me

The other members just shaking their heads because they know I hate their haters especially if they said something about her.

"I dont know you're here, oppa.." she stutter

I just grit my teeth and watch the tv. Not quite watching cause I'm busy cursing all people that dissing my girl and that music show mentally. I dont even notice that my favourite person are home.

"I'm home.. EH? Is that him?" Nayeon ask
"Yeah it's him.. He just in his world for now.. Go wash up and join dinner.." Jihyo say

During dinner, I still cursing people nonstop. Nayeon talk to me but I just keep it short. They all worry seeing me like that, especially her. She still dont know why I'm like that. After dinner, I go to park to cool myself down. At the same time, Nayeon get to know the story and join me after calling me about my whereabout.

"Hey.." she say while swinging beside me
"Yeah.." I reply 
"The members told me.. It's okay.." she smile
"No it's not.." I weakly say
"It's okay.. I will win it another time.." she smile again

But it's not her usual smile.. It's her force smile.. I know it.. She always hold it inside.. Since we first met, she always hold everything in her.. She said because she's the oldest, so she do that to protect the others..

I slow down the swing and grab her swing. I hug  and slowly pat her back.

"It's okay.. You can let it out.. It's just us here.." I whisper

And I hear her sobbing. I pat her back and caress her hand with my other hand.

"Are my songs that bad? Am I bad? Like too bad?" she cry 
"Shhh.. You're not bad.. Your songs are all good.. It just take some times.. It's okay.. You got me and members with you.." I whisper as my tears fall too

I quickly wipe my tears so she dont see me sad too.. After some time, I wipe her tears. We swing some more while holding hand until she ask to go home. When we got home, the girls crod her and give her hug. That night, all of us sleep in living room. The girls sleep beside her while I just sleep on the couch.. Eventhough we're not sleeping together, we're holding hand to and sleep.

(I know I'm too late for this.. Actually, I have wrote some draft and forgot it! 😭😭😭 I just check it recently and decide to complete it. I'm sorry again..)

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