Nayeon - Birthday

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I've been practicing and planning everything for this day.. My precious girlfriend, Im Nayeon..

This week, I got to outstation and I told her that I might be come home late but actually I just got back to Seoul this early morning.

Based on the girls, Nayeon have solo schedule today until night.. Poor my baby need to work hard..

On evening, I come to their dorm and they already start decorate the living room. I bought her favourite cake and icecream. I keep those 2 in fridge since we have few hours to wait.

The girls already clean the house and half decorate.. I get back to my car and pick my stuff.. It's a secret I dont want to spoil it yet to you...

I get in the house and set up my stuff.. Oh and of course I bring Buddy with me since he have fun with the others' dogs.

"I dont know you can play that" Jihyo say. "Since I work from home a lot, I decided to learn something new and this is one of it.." I answer.

"I'm hungry doing these cleaning and decoration" Momo whines. I look at my watch and start ordering some foods. I order some tteokbeokki, jjajangmyeon, tangsuyuk, fried chicken while Jihyo and Jeongyeon make miyeokgguk and gimbap.

I almost forgot the drinks so I need to go and buy it before the shop close. "I need to buy drinks!" I shout to let them know. I quickly walk to my car and drive to nearest shop.

After 30 minutes out, I'm back with sodas. Its so heavy since I buy for 10-15 persons drinks.. Not long after that, the foods come.. I look at my watch, remain 1 hour left before 12.. I start to worry..

"Hey girls, is Nayeon's schedule finish veryyy late? I'm getting worry" I ask them. " I dont know but she'll be back soon.." Sana say.

After checking everything is on its spot, I check my presents for her.. I'm quite nervous but it's okayyy!! You already trained for this at home.

Around 11.20pm, Nayeon informed Jihyo that she's on her way home and that takes around 20-25 minutes. I check again for the God knows how many times already.

Before she's here, we off the light to make it looks like everyone sleeping.

"Look look!! There's a girl there!!" I shout as I hiding near the windows. "Where where??" Jeongyeon ask. "It's just his beloved girlfriend, Jeong" Jihyo said.

"Is it?? Ahh right.. My girlfriend" I giggles.. "Shhh you matured people!!" Tzuyu say to us.

I've calculated that from the in front building to their dorm takes around 4-5 minutes.. I look at my watch closely..

I mentally countdown, 10 9 8 7 6 then we hear her footsteps.. Then we hear Nayeon is enter the passcode for the door..

Nayeon's POV

I open the door but its dark except there's candles that lead to living room.. I thought they're sleeping?? I walk to the living room..

Then I heard piano sounds.. Ahh it's scary because we dont have piano in our dorm!!

When I reach the end of candle, I heard bunch of people singing 'Happy Birthday' to me.. A cake with candles light on come from kitchen..

"Hey girls.. Can you switch the lights? Its getting scary since I only saw the cake not the person who hold it.." I say to whoever in this same room..

The cake already in front of me then someone whisper "Make a wish"

Your POV

Being the scaredy cat lady, Nayeon scream when Tzuyu whisper to her.. I still hold my laughs.. I bet the girls too..

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