Nayeon - Solo Debut

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Your POV
Today is her big day! She always talk about it these days.. Also, she's been crying every night think about it too.. She's worried if her solo didn't go well..

Well.. That's where I came in.. She always call me to talk about it, or her members call me to check on her because she lock the door and didn't respond to them. I will to their dorm or just FaceTime.. I stay with her till she's sleep.

I take a day off and still wake up early than usual to be with her. I go to her dorm to make sure she's up and ready. Her members also can't sleep because of this day.

I can hear she's humming to her songs and sings to it.

"Save it for later okay, babe?" I pat her back and continue lay on her bed.

She's taking too much time to decide her casual outfit. She keep looking at me.. I know what she's doing.. She's trying to do match outfits. So cute of her..

"Your shoes?" she ask me while doing her makeup
"Black chelsea.. Also, you already look so pretty, babe" I hug from behind and give kisses on her neck.
"Yah.." she's whining..
" Fine.. I'll wait outside.. Hurry up.. Manager noona will be here anytime.." I open her door.


"Well.. Talk about her, she's here.." I close the door
"Noona, she'll come out in 5.." I sit on couch
"Okay.." the manager noona go to fridge and grab a drink

Exactly after 5 minutes, she's ready..

"Finally.. Princess.. I'll go with my car, okay?" I say
"Why?" she's whining
"We can't get into scandal in this big day.. Dont worry.. I'll follow the van.." I pat her head, without messing her hair or she'll beat my ass..

"Goodluck unnie!! We'll watch it from here.. Or maybe, we'll go there!" the girls wishing her

She's freeze due to nervous.. The girls see her froze and they quickly do the group hug..

"Dont worry unnie" Sana
"Everything will be okay.." Jihyo
"Dont be nervous" Momo
"If anyone says crap, I'll beat them.." Tzuyu
"I'll bring the tools" Jeongyeon

"Woah! Okay okay.. Stop that you 2.." I stop Tzuyu and Jeongyeon
"I'll set up the place and time" I say

And we laugh out.

"We need to go now or we're late.." Manager noona say
"Okay let's go.." I take her hand.

I walk her to the van before follow them with my car.. Of course I put some distance like 2 to 3 cars infront me.

I go to her change room quickly as soon as I arrive. You know, dispatch sasaeng and more..

She's doing her makeup when she decide to do some vlog content about this day.. You know like behind the scene such thing.. I quickly wear my mask and try to stay away from the camera.

But I want to tease her!! Damn that camera get more time with her!!

"You'll be on stage in 5 minutes" manager noona tell her
"Okay! Gotta go now! Byeee" she turn the camera off
"Okay sweetie.. I'm gonna seat infront the stage so dont worry okay? I'll take some photos too" I kiss her forehead and left the room.

The studio turn dark as I sit. Few seconds later her song start playing. I smile as I take some photos.

Her performances goes on for like 15 minutes as she perform few songs.

As she's doing the ending fairy, she look at me smiling wide.

"Goodjob!" I mouth as I clap along with other audiences.

She must be super tired...

After her performances end, I wait in my car since it will be busy, also there's many people will be around. I just text her that I'm in my car

Nayeon's POV
When I change my outfit back to the casual, I hear someone call my name.

"Im Nayeon?" flowerboy call me
"Yes.. I'll take it" manager unnie take it and give it to me when I'm done changing

I take it and look at the small paper. I smile as I see the famous ugly dino doodle..

"Why are you smiling? You know who sent it?" manager unnie ask
"Of course.. It's him.." I smile and read it

'To my beautiful princess.. You've done a great job! Dont worry about the anti and all.. Remember there's people that always support you! I love you!💜' - 🦖

At first sight, it may look like other gifts from fans but he always put his doodle so I know it's him.. I'm so lucky to have him as mine!

Your POV
At night, we're having dinner... The members and me..

"Order whatever you want.. It's my treat!" I say just before the waiter come
"You always treat us.." Momo say
"Dont act like you dont like it.." Tzuyu say

We laugh at Tzuyu's words. I also have some cake for the dessert.. Like usual, eat time is the most chaotic time.. Lucky that we're outside, or there will be foods or cutleries flying. They are that chaotic during eat.

Finally dessert time! The waiters bring the cake along with some balloons and bouquet of chocolate for her.

"Hey unnie.. Can I have some chocolate?" Dahyun ask
"I'll decide it at home later" Nayeon smile

As she occuppied with the balloons and cake, I get on my knees.

The atmosphere quickly change.. The band start to play it slow, romantic song. The girls point at me while record on their phone.

She's shock, close her face with her hands.

"Yah Im Nayeon.." I pull her hands down.
"I'm shy!" her face turn red
"No! I'm more shy than you,so listen here babe.." I smile

I take out the ring box from my pocket and open it. A simple ring that she's being eyeing for few weeks.

"Hah! So" I take deep breath
"Im Nayeon-ssi.. My beautiful girlfriend, princess, cutiepie.. I love you and will always... Ah I forget my script.. Let's skip all the cheesy part, shall we?" I chuckle in nervous
"Nayeon-ssi.. Will you spend the rest of your life with me?" I look at her.

My heart beating so fast like it's gonna burst out. I saw a tear escape her beautiful eyes.

"Yes.. Of course" she almost whisper due to nervous too

"What? I can't hear that unnie.." Jeongyeon ask, more to tease her

"I said YES, you deaf!" she shout at Jeongyeon

The others just laugh at her.

I quickly hug her.

"Thank you! For accept that! You can't undo your decision okay???" I tease her
"No I will never!" she smile

She release the hug and give me her left hand. Eh?

"Put the ring, pabo!" Sana scold me
"You little..." I give her the glare, I put the ring on her, shakingly.

(congrats to our bunny, Im Nayeon for her solo debut! 💜💜💜 i wish i can see her performance stage in real life.. that the song is so attractive and SO POPPP! GO WATCH IT NOW)

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