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Your POV

Twice on tour, your little brother also on tour with his groups so it's just you.. Well, I do have some other friends in Seoul but you cant find anyone else to disturb around this time. Oh also! It's 3am here in Seoul.. It's not an appropriate time to annoy anyone.

This is one of the day that I cant sleep after doing so much things to sleep.. I've done watching TTT latest episodes, drink some warm milk but the result is just a trip to the toilet.

I just remember that I've been abandoned my gaming streaming lately cause my team got some major cases.. So, I decided to play Valorant.

I clip the mic on my shirt, this time I just do audio streaming.. Too lazy to setup the camera, lighting and all..

Few rounds played, I feel bored again and play Minecraft. Killing few sheeps, villagers.. I'm bored again..

"Ah.. I am bored and cant sleep.." I sigh as I let my character idle and read some comments..

"Sing.. We always heard you humming.. Well.. It sounds great.. Let me grab my guitar quickly.." I left my pc and grab my guitar in the corner.

"Let me warm up.. Also, drop some suggestions.. I'll try to play it.." I strum my guitar

"2521 ost.. Alright.. Karaoke session start!" As I strum some notes before get into the songs.

"This first one to my love one.. I miss you.."

(Wonstein - Your Existence)

(Taeil - Starlight)

I keep singing while having her in my head. Imagine of her smiling, laughing, sleeping, pouting and all.. God! I am missing her!

I put this song on my pc as I sing along.. I sing the Wonstein part like I'm the one that duet with her.

(Nayeon ft Wonstein - Love Countdown)

(Edwin McCain - I'll Be)

I keep singing till that one song pass my head.

"Ah! I just remember this song. I keep hearing it and it's good! I am sorry in advance if my pronouncation is not good enough.. Also, this will be our last song before I end this stream cause... *yawn*.. I felt sleepy now.. Last song! Let's goo.. *yawn* "

(Govinda - Hal Hebat)

*So basically, I just wanna put one song which is Hal Hebat by Govinda but end up put bunch of songs.. Well, I have tons of song to put but I am sleepy and my eyes hurt a bit..

I want to explain a bit about Govinda - Hal Hebat... It's a song that a man express his love to the significant other/soulmate/true love.. He said he's been loved by others before but doesnt feel the same with her.. He loves her another level.. In the chorus, he said he will not mistreat her, cheat on her.. He also put some advice like if you truly loves someone.. Make it happen, dont let a fight ruin you and fight for your love..

I literally feel this song eventhough I dont have anyone to sing to.. I wish I have but nah.. Overall it's a great song to me.. Try to give it a listen.. And sorry if you think it's overrated by me..

Have a nice day everyone!

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