Twice - Niece

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Your POV
As usual weekend, I drove to Twice's dorm to spend time with my girlfriend, Im Nayeon the bunny. I ring the bell and she open the door seconds later.

Nayeon : Babe! Eh? Who's this?
You : My niece.. My cousin need to go to hospital to take care of his pregnant wife, the baby is coming.
Nayeon : Alright come in. *take Haeun from my arms*
You : Oh she's Haeun
Haeun : Choi Haeun,4 years old *baby voice*
Nayeon : Ahh kiyowo *give kisses*
Haeun giggles
You : I dont even get one *mumbles*

I get back to living room after put Haeun's bag and stuffs (milk, etc) I already see the girls playing with Haeun.

Jeongyeon : Yow! I dont know you guys already had a child *tease*
You : Yah Jeong!!! It's not like that..
Tzuyu : So what it's like?
You : Alright alright.. My cousin need me to take care of her until her wife deliver the baby.
Momo : Why wont he send her to babysitter or the grandparents?
You : They're not living in Seoul and the babysitter is sick. I pick Haeun after work yesterday cause they're rushing to the hospital.
Mina : Why you? Not your brother Beomie?
You : Because they will bickering all the times. So rather than babysit 2 kids, I came here instead.
Jihyo : You want us taking care of her???
You : Kind of, dont worry. I'll be here.

After the interview session, I feel hungry but I dont say anything. I go to the kitchen to grab some snacks. Suddenly

Haeun : Aunties.. Haeun hungry..
Nayeon : Uncle Y/N not fed you yet?
Haeun : No *shakes her head*
Nayeon : Wait here with other Auntie okay? We'll cook some foods.

Nayeon Jihyo Jeongyeon walk in the kitchen.

Nayeon : Yah! You two not eat yet???? *slap my arm*
You : Argh! Hey... We already eat buns before come here...
Jeongyeon : You think that's enough?
You : Maybe? Hehhehhe *chuckles*
Jihyo : Is Haeun have allergic on anything? Any meals for her?
You : Wait! Hyung give me guide note, I'll take it.

I walk to Nayeon's room to take the note. When I turn back, someone hug me. The familiar scent, I turn back and hug her.

You : Nabongie~~ *peck her forehead*
Nayeon : Sorry...
You : Why??
Nayeon : Since Haeun's here, I only play with her..
You : Ahhhh.. It's alright.. Besides, she maybe will come often you know..
Nayeon : Really??? *look with shining eyes*
You : Yeah.. You also can practices to take care of child 😏
Nayeon : Yah *blushing and hide her face*
You : Let's go before Jihyo get mad *peck her lips and together to the kitchen*

After lunch, the girls plan for movies. Guess the movie? It's..... Frozen! Yeah Haeun request it.. It's kinda interesting but I fall asleep not long after making Haeun's milk on the middle of movie.

I woke up due to the girls (especially Nayeon and Haeun) sing to 'Into the Unknown'.. Wait! What? Already the second movie? I continue watch the movie and fall asleep again.

Around 6pm, I woke up and stretch.. There's Jeongyeon and Chaeyoung in the living room, asleep too.. I go to Nayeon's room to check on the babies.. Haeun is playing with Kookeu, Boo and Dobby while Nayeon and Momo are busy gossiping.

You : Oh Haeun-ah.. Let's go home, it's getting dark outside...
Haeun : I dont want.. I want to stay here~~~🥺
Nayeon : Already go home?
You : Yup! I have something to do with Beomie.. *pick Haeun in arms*
Haeun : Auntie.. Haeun dont want to go home.. Haeun want to stay here and play more.. *whines and start crying*
You : Haeun..
Nayeon : It's alright! She can stay here.. We'll take care of her.. Besides, I saw extra clothes and pampers in her bag..
You : Are you sure? I dont want to burden you..
Nayeon : Not at all.. I have fun with her.. Right Haeun?
Haeun : *nods* Please Uncle...
You : Alright.. I need to wash my face first *puts Haeun down*

I notice something when I wash my face.. Why is my nails turning to purple? Aish!! I walk out the bathroom and sit beside Haeun. Nayeon and Momo walk out the room after see me.

You : Haeun-ah.. Do you colour my nails? *showing the nails*
Haeun : *nods* It's beautiful!
You : Who teach you this?
Haeun : Auntie Nayeon and Auntie Dahyun! They have many colours!!! *excited*
You : Ahh.. *start whisper* Tomorrow's morning, you can colour her toenails and also *show Nayeon's lipstick* use this to makeup her. Okay?
Haeun : Okay 👌🏻

Then, I do the lipstick on Haeun so she knows how to use it later 😏 After that, we head to living room cause I need to go. Nayeon carry Haeun in her arms.

You : Haeun-ah.. Dont be naughty okay? Or you cant come here again.
Haeun nod.
You : Uncle will come here tomorrow okay? *kiss Haeun's cheeks*
Haeun nod.
You : Just follow the guide okay? Also dont sleep too late...
Nayeon : Ahhh.. I know I know
You : Ah.. This aura..
Nayeon : What aura?
You : Husband and wife's aura! *peck her lips*
Nayeon : Y/N! *blushing*
Haeun : Uncle and Auntie kiss like Appa and Omma *claps her tiny hands*
You : *whisper to Nayeon* We'll be one day. *peck her lips again*

I quickly turn around and walk to the lifts. I push the button and look back to see Nayeon and Haeun waving at me. Ah.. I cant wait to marry you!

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