Welcome Home!

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Your POV
I literally in your car waiting for the princess. HAHAHA! It's just you're waiting for Nayeon to be arrive in Korea in this hour. I already told the managers and they even gave permission to 'kidnap' her as soon as they touch down. I cant wait for that happen!

I almost fall asleep when my phone ding.

Babe! I'm safely arrive! - Bunny 🐰
Yeah babe! Have a good rest! 😘 - You

She still dont know that I'm here.. After waiting around 10 minutes.. I see the girls get in their van that waiting for them at the parking entrance. I calmly drive and stop behind the van. They look tired for sure!

Nayeon are the last one to get into the van but the manager noona stop her from get into and point at my car. I just blink the light twice and she smiling walk to my car. I quickly get out to open her door.

"Welcome home, my princess" I bow like how you bow to real princess, yeah the one in the disney shows.
"Thank you, babe" she giggle

I run back to my door and get in. As we reach the main road, their van and my car split direction. I decide to go for some late night picnic.

I drive to to Subway and order us 2 set sandwiches. I also get into convenience store to get some water,snacks and chocolate for her. Then, I drive to Han river. We get out and walk around looking for spot to sit.

I hold her hand with my right hand and the other stuffs on my left. She cling to me. After found the perfect spot, I put on a clean cloth and put the rest of our foods on that. I tear the wrapper and divide the sandwiches into 2 so we can eat different sandwiches at same time.

We quietly enjoy our foods and the view. I know she's still tired from all the constant concert. It must be draining her energy to the core.. After eating, I clean up the rubbish and throw it in near bin.

I lay with my arms open. She take the opportunity and lay in my arm. She snuggle into me.

"I'm so tired..." she say, still bury her face to my side.
"I know I know.." I play with her hair.

Not long, I can hear her cute snoring. Since I dont have any work tomorrow and Nayeon too, well the manager noona told me earlier, I just decide to let her sleep and not moving. I just lay there looking at the sky and stars, looking thru my phone.

Nayeon's POV
I wake up as I feel drops of waters on my face. I realise that it's start to rain, just lightly. I wake up my boyfriend by shaking his body. He awake few seconds after.

"Hmmm" his raspy wake up voice
"We need to go now.. It's starting to rain.." I pull him so he sit properly.
"Alright.." he quietly keep the stuffs.

When we already set up to go, it start to rain heavily. He grab my hand and we run to his car. It's quite funny to me since we just got up and suddenly running in the rain like this. Talk about funny, my silly boyfriend just meet a light pole.

I start to laughing. He look at me with a playfully mad face. He grab me and carry bride me to the car. We successfully get to the car and he carefully put me on the passenger's seat and he slipped infront of the car because of the slippy road.

He giggle as soon as he get in the car. He reach a towel from the backseat and give me to use it first. Done using it, I pass to him. I take out a few hot packs from the dashboard and toss to him.

"Dont tell the others.." he start the engine
"I cant promise you that" I tease him
"You need to..." he look at me
"Or whattt??" I raise the eyebrows
"Or I give you so much hickeys" and he start attack me with kisses around my face and neck

We just laughing until we tired. Then, he start to drive to his home, well basically our home.

"Babe.. Thanks for letting me sleep earlier.. Along with the calm dinner..." I put my head on his shoulder
"Yes thank you, princess.. I know you're tired.. You know, I have so much questions but I just keep it since I saw all of your faces.. We can always talk later.. No need to rush.." he pat my head, one of my favourite.
"Awhhh.. Where do I get this kind boyfriend..." I pinch his cheek
"Surely not a store bought!" he joking

We arrive at our home. Getting shower, comfort pajamas and cuddles through the night are all I need! Kisses are extra!!!

So, I just know they have arrive safely yesterday! Overall, all the shows are great and good job girls! Everyone did soooo great!! I'm so jealous to see the fans and Twice moments on IG and literally anywhere! I hope I can be on their concert one day too!! Have a nice day everyone! May the girls get a good rest before another schedule start! Byeee ;) 

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