Nayeon - Safe

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Twice + AppaaOstrichJeong : *send a photo* Yah! You guys see this?Jihyo📢 : Oh noo!! We need to tell JYPnim about this

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Twice + Appaa
OstrichJeong : *send a photo* Yah! You guys see this?
Jihyo📢 : Oh noo!! We need to tell JYPnim about this..
Momo🐷 : Nayeon unnie.. You're okay?
🐰❤️ : Half half.. I thought he will never come back
Chewy : We're not the only who made comeback..
Mina🐧 : Jinhyeok oppa (you).. You're not doing anything?
Chaeng🐯 : Yeah! You're working at National Intelligence Service (NIS) right? You should take action on this!!
Sana🐍 : Dont worry unnie! We will always be with you
Dubu : We will stick together and protect each other
🐰❤️ : Thank you girls
OstrichJeong : Yah! Where is him??? Aishh!!
A month later
Jinhyeok's POV
Jinhyeok's team got an info that the stalker,Josh on his plane to Korea. They expect that Josh will arrive around midnight. So they already stay on airport to get ready. While I just stay around JYP Entertainment just incase.

Around 3am,I got a call. My team said there's no sign of that Josh. After the call,I drive home after checking all Twice members are safe.

At 8am, Jihyo call me saying that Nayeon not in the dorm. I quickly check the tracker that I put at Nayeon's phone keychain and her ring. They're heading to airport.
"Dont be afraid Nayeonie.. I'm coming.."

I already informed the airport police and told them to hold them as long as they could.

As I arrive at the airport, I just run to the place they told earlier. That Josh seems like want to get away with private plane quickly. I see from the inside of airport. The plane is ready.

I run like Usain Bolt and Josh seems to noticed me. He hold Nayeon as his shield with a gun on her head.

"Josh! Josh right? Why dont you let her go?" I shout to him with gun point at Josh(in English)
"Nope! She's gonna be mine! Only mine!"he said back while slowly walking to the plane.
"Aish!! Yah!! I'm sure you dont wanna piss me off! Let her go! Then Korea will lighten your punishment!" I shout again
"Why? She's your girlfriend? Nayeonie? You're dating behind me? I've said that I'll killed you for that!" he's getting mad at Nayeon not realising I'm already run to them.

*bang* *bang*

My eyes getting heavier. I want to sleep. I heard someone crying but I cant open my eyes. I hope I've saved you Nabong.

Nayeon's POV
We're on our way to hospital.

I see Jinhyeok running to us while Josh is mad at me. I dont quite understand what's Josh saying cause he talk too fast.
Josh only realise Jinhyeok while he's only 2 metre away from us. He kick off the gun and Josh fight back. I slowly walk away from them especially Josh. They fight each other then without we realise Josh grab his extra gun in his boot and shot Jinhyeok. At the same time, Jinhyeok's team come and shot him too.
They fall on the ground. I run to Jinhyeok and hold him with my hands shakes.

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