Chapter 14

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Hope starts moving around in her sleep, seems like she's having a bad dream. Josie doesn't notice because she's still sleeping. Hope then shoots up awake, breathing out loudly.

She finally gets herself to calm down thankful that Josie hadn't woken up yet. She smiles to herself happy that Josie stayed with her last night. She looks at her clock and it's only 5. She still has a few hours of sleep before class starts.

So she lays back down on Josies chest and shuts her eyes.

Hope wakes up again from the bright sun shining in her face. She sits up and moves her hair out of her face. She looks at the clock and it's already 8, her sleep went by pretty fast. She has almost an hour before class starts and Josies still asleep.

She lays back down on Josies chest and just stares at Josie while she's sleeping. She missed cuddling with her best friend like this. She just keeps staring until Josie speaks up.

"It's rude to stare you know." She smiles and open her eyes. Hope gets embarrassed that she got caught and tries to play it off with a laugh. She is hoping that Josie can't see the red tint on her cheeks.

"We should get ready for class." Hope sits up.

"Yeah we should. I gotta go to my room and get changed." Josie tells her getting up and grabbing her things. Hope stands up along with her after Josie gets her things they both just stare at each other for a bit.

Hope wraps her arms around Josies neck and put her head in Josies shoulder. Josie was surprised by the action but didn't mind and she slowly wrapped her arms around Hopes waist.

"Thank you for staying with me last night." Hope murmured into her shoulder.

Josie smiled, they both pull apart and give each other a quick smile then Josie walks out.

Josie heads to her room making sure no one sees her because she probably looks like crap. Once she finally gets into her room she locks the door then turns around.

Josie jumps as she sees Lizzie sitting on the bed with her arms crossed.

"Jesus Lizzie!" Josie yelps.

"Where were you last night?" Lizzie tells her still with her arms crossed. Josie sighs and sets her things down then goes to her drawer to get out some clothes.

"I was at Hopes."

Lizzie scoffs "You were at Mikaelsons?


"I thought you two had like a bestie breakup or some shit." Lizzie tells her.

Josie scoffs "I-I wouldn't call it that."

Lizzie gasps "There's some tea. Isn't there?" Lizzie says slightly hoping for a yes. Josie didn't respond but she just kept her head down. "oh my god! tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me!"

"It's nothing..."

"It isn't nothing Josette! Now tell me before i siphon the life outta you."

Josie sighs in defeat knowing that if she didn't tell her, lizzie would be bugging her every day for the rest of her life.

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