Chapter 6: I Feel You

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-- Present Day --

Wanda's POV:

I saw her again today in the hallway with Clint. It's weird because she's so close to me and yet it feels like she's so far away. The feeling is very frustrating but I can't do anything about it if I want to be sure she's going to be safe. I try to read her thoughts whenever she's close to me and I can sense that she's mad at me because I have been avoiding her. She won't be able to understand but it's for her own protection, I look out the wide window in my room and I see Nat and Clint walking on the field.

I miss her.

Someone knocked on my door and I used my powers to open it because I don't have the strength to even walk to the door. I saw Steve with a comforting smile on his face.

"Hey," I started.

"Hey, do you want to talk about it?" he asked.

"About what exactly?" I wondered.

"C'mon, Wanda. You really can't hide anything from me anymore." he implied, entering my room and closing the door.

"I just miss her so much." I responded

"Well then, go to her." he suggested.

"I don't want her to get hurt." I debated.

"If you really don't want to hurt her, then go to her and talk to her. I can see her hurting even more if you keep trying to avoid her. Especially if she does not know what's going on."

After Steve said that. I looked out the window to look at her again. He does have a point. Nat doesn't know why I stopped talking to her. Steve just gave me a nod and left my room. I am trying to contemplate if I should go and talk to Nat. Then my head just started to hurt again because agent Hill's words kept flashing back, letting me decide to just continue avoiding her instead. I snapped out of my thoughts and made my way to the showers to get my mind off it.

Nat's POV:

The walk with Clint was a good distraction but it was not enough to forget what I was feeling for Wanda. As soon as I came back inside the compound, I felt the pain in my heart again. I went straight to the bar that was close to the kitchen, grabbed a bottle of vodka and sat by the kitchen Island. I took a gulp of vodka straight from the bottle and then flashes of Wanda's past came through my head.

"Pietro!" the young Wanda screamed as a loud explosion blasted through the walls of their apartment, instantly taking the lives of their parents.

"W-Wanda!" Pietro pleaded and then held his sister's hand as they hid under their bed. Waiting for the second bomb that's already inside the area to explode.

I shook my head and felt a little weak because it really felt as if I was there. Then another memory flashed through my eyes...

I saw Wanda in that church in Sokovia, fighting Ultron's bots as they tried to make their way to the drone. She keeps letting out these red energy bursts through her hands as she destroys each and every one of them. Suddenly, she stops and flashes of Pietro being shot by bullets coming from the Quinjet passing by and hitting him multiple times.

"You didn't see that coming?" he asked weakly to Clint while clutching a child in his arms, those were his final words and he fell to the ground, lifeless.

When Wanda screamed it felt like her pain was linked to me because I started crying and my heart was so heavy and painful while feeling her loss.

"Ah!" I grunted, forcing my eyes to close because it was getting too real for me. Another scene comes through my head...

This time, I saw myself being shot at the warehouse during the mission of capturing Dr. List. I saw how Wanda's eyes glowed red and how her anger flowed through her as she violently slammed Dr. List somewhere and killed the other Hydra guards coming my way

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