Chapter 15: There's Something About Her

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Nat's POV:

She prepared everything perfectly for this evening. She definitely swept me off my feet for what she has done for our date. For the first time in my life, I feel like a normal girl, almost to the point of me forgetting that I had a dark past or that I am both an ex assassin and a superhero.

Being with her like this makes me feel that maybe I have a chance to have normal life soon. That I get to experience a simple life that me and Rogers always wanted for ourselves.

The date continued on about us just getting to know each other more. Stories from our past, explaining things that were curious to us. Funny memories that we had and the pain we had bottled up. Feelings that we normally don't unravel to anyone. I normally hate talking about my emotions, expressing my feelings and bringing up my deepest darkest secrets. But with her, I can talk about anything under the sun.

I never wanted this evening to end. Seeing her in such a beautiful dress on a well lit night under the stars, is the definition of perfection to me.

"Everything okay?" Wanda asked because I was silent for quite some time. Simply because I was admiring her.

"More than okay, actually." I responded and gave her a smile. "I am just really thankful for you, for this evening. I have never felt this happy in my life." I added.

"Aww. I feel the exact same way." she replied, sliding her hand on the side of the table and making its way to mine. "I'm so glad that we got you back. I literally wouldn't know what to do if we lost that fight in Budapest."

"Thanks for saving me, Wands. Really."

"I would do anything just to get you back, Nat."

We both finished our main meal and proceeded to our dessert. She made so much effort that she also cooked for our dinner when she can just hire the chef from our kitchen but she decided to cook all of it. From appetizers, to entrees, side dishes and desserts.

"Everything is perfect, Wands. You're so amazing." I commented.

"Why, thank you. I always had the passion for cooking. Pietro was always my judge whenever I try new recipes." she said.

"Well, he was lucky to have you." I assured her.

She gave me a weak smile and looked up in the sky to admire the stars.

"You know, that time when we lost our parents, he made up a story about the stars. He said that when someone dies, a new star shows up in the sky, transforming their souls or ghosts into one of them. Making sure that they are watching us from above. He was just 12 minutes older than me but he was a great big brother." she said, still looking up in the sky but this time, there were tears in her eyes.

I couldn't hold back my own tears as well because that story was both sad and beautiful. It was such a shame that Pietro died at such a young age.

"Well, my love, Pietro has joined your parents up in the sky. He's that beautiful star that sparkle so bright just to make sure you light up." I comforted, wiping her tears away.

"Thank you." she replied.

"So, what do you say, we wrap things up here and have our actual dessert?" I said with a wink.

"That sounds perfect, my love." she responded.

Yelena's POV:

The compound is very silent at the moment since most of the Avengers are not here. The evenings are even more mind-numbingly silent, I can hear my own thoughts. It's kind of freaking me out since I am just adjusting to the noise of my own thoughts in my head.

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