Chapter 23: The Forgotten Memory

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TRIGGER WARNING: Non-cons️ensual sexual acts. It's not detailed but I still want to warn you. So there, you've been warned. ⚠️

Nat's POV:

We were alerted that Bruce was finally conscious but he was not able to remember anything that happened to him in Asgard. We all made our way to his room so we could check on him. We glanced at each other to decide who goes in first.

"Romanoff, I think you should go in." Tony said as he lightly pushed my shoulder.

"Wait, what? Why do I have to go in first?" I questioned.

"Uhm, you know, because of.. uh." he fumbled, hesitating to say anything else but he just gave me a knowing look.

I then glanced at Wanda to check if she's okay with this. I saw her softly smile and mouthed the words, "It's okay."

I nodded and smiled back before entering the room, making sure to close the door as I entered. Bruce suddenly sat up from the bed and immediately smiled at me, showing some sense of relief.

"Hey," he started. "You have no idea how happy I am to see you." he added.

"How are you?" I asked as I sat on the chair next to his bed.

"I don't really know, Nat. It's like I blacked out and I am now missing nine months of my life, apparently." he responded.

"You don't remember how you got to Asgard?" I probed.

"Nat, the last memory I have was you pushing me off a cliff or something." he implied.

"Shit. Sorry 'bout that, by the way." I chuckled as I scratched the back of my head.

"It's okay. I have some bigger problems right now. I don't understand. This is the first time, I totally blacked out as the Hulk. I normally still remember things even when the other guy comes out. Usually, we both have a hand on the wheel but now, it felt like I was totally out of the picture." he explained, looking so dumbfounded.

"That's unfortunate." I commented. "I don't get it. When you arrived back, you looked as if you knew something. You looked terrified before passing out."

"Really? This doesn't make any sense." he muttered, I can feel that he's starting to panic.

"Hey, hey," I tried to calm him down by placing my hand on his shoulder "We're gonna figure out what happened, okay? We're gonna help you." I promised.

"Thanks, Nat. I always knew I can rely on you." he said as he held my hand and kissed it.

Suddenly, Wanda entered the room and immediately stood beside me before asking, "Hey, Dr. Banner. How are you feeling?"

"I, uhm, good for now, I guess." Bruce muttered. Still a little stunned upon Wanda's entrance.

I know she's not here to ask about how Bruce is feeling, she's here to mark her territoty over me. She was feeling jealous again and I can't help but feel concerned. I do like this side of her but I don't want both of them to fight.

"Everything okay, babe?" she asked me as she wrapped her right arm around my waist.

"Yeah. Why wouldn't it be?" I replied, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh, uhm, you two are a thing now?" Bruce queried.

"Yeah, uhm, Wanda is my girlfriend." I confirmed.

"Oh. I see. I-I didn't expect that. But uh, I'm happy for you, Natasha." he said.

"Okay! I'm guessing that at this point, everything is super awkward already so allow me to end your agony. Alright Bruce, we can get started at the lab to check what's going on with your memory when you're physically ready." Tony interrupted as he barged into the room.

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