-A Would Be Normal Day [Chapter One]

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(A/N) Reminders

I am currently editing this so please stand by with the bad detail, I am new to this, so for that I am very sorry. It does probably need re-writing and if it does, I am in process of doing so, but right now you will have to bare with me, the chapters are probably very badly written, so for that I am sorry.

Editing status: Completed.

I do not own the characters of One Direction and am not associated with them in real life. The way I write them in this story does not mean, by any means, they act this way in real life. So, please don't be put off. However, any of the fictional characters are strictly mine and this whole story is copyrighted and the breaching of so is punishable by law.

I hope you enjoy the story <3 And also One Direction will not be arriving until later on in the story.

This story will contain contain: moderate language, mild sex references and brief violence. For these reasons it is strictly PG-13. Can I also point out I am Irish and I have had people ask me what certain words/phrases mean etc. so if you come across something you don't understand, then just ask and I'll try my best to explain.

Updated Cast List:
Harry Styles as             Himself
Niall Horan as             Himself
Liam Payne as             Himself
Louis Tomlinson as  Himself
Zayn Malik as             Himself
Zendaya as                  Lauren Daley
Bella Thorne as        Georgia Jenkins
Peyton List as            Diana Kelly

--Separation: Chapter One--

Lauren's POV:

Monday morning came nearly as quickly as Sunday finished. The birds were chirping and wind was blowing loudly across the midlands of Ireland. There was nothing unusual about this weather, if anything, it was quite common.

Across the town of Athlone, hailstones were pounding against the windows of the houses with the help of the September wind. The county of Westmeath was said to get the worst of the bad weather on the news the night before and so it did.

The weather wasn't disturbing me. Living in the country I live in, given the odd climate, I'm used to it.

I lay in my double bed. My eyes shut and my brunette hair spread out. I just lay there breathing softly. My alarm clock time read 6:59.

As it turned 7am and went off, I groaned and allowed my head to sink into my pillow.

Monday. Oh I how I hated Mondays, school being something I hated even more then Monday itself which says a lot because everyone hates Mondays.

The main reason I hated school was because I had to watch my best friend go through hell and nobody, believe me, wants to witness and try to support their friend through that.

The clock began to annoy me after a few seconds as the ringing was very loud. I groaned turning it off.

Alarm clocks have to be the most annoying things ever, I thought to myself.

I got out of bed and went over to my wardrobe to get my school uniform with no enthusiasm at all.

I loved to learn new things but watching my best friend being tormented continuously put me off going to school, making an effort with my homework and learning itself.

I put on my red skirt, my grey polo top and my red cardigan with my school tie which was red and white. That was the uniform for the girls. Boys, on the other hand, wore the same bar black trousers.

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