-A surprise call [Chapter Twenty-Two]

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Lauren's POV:

Monday. Great.

Not in the mood, at all.

I woke up to the sound of Alison, shaking me awake. I slept through my alarm, apparently.

Go you, Lauren!

I only overslept by a half an hour and so did Luke, so it doesn't really matter.

Not at all surprised I slept through my alarm, to be honest.

I had such an amazing day in Birr yesterday and we didn't leave until around half ten and we only got home at half eleven after stopping at a shop.

I quickly slipped into my red school tracksuit and runners. I brushed my hair and tied it up in a high ponytail before applying mascara to my lashes.

I ate breakfast with Luke quickly before we headed to the limo to get to school.

As soon as I arrived at school, I spotted Georgia, Nicole and Martina already in a group outside talking.

"You're late." Martina grins.

"It's actually 9.23 a.m. and schools starts at 9.30. I wouldn't go as far to say I'm late." I laugh in response.

"Well, Laur, you are later then normal." Nicole said, smiling slightly.

"I wasn't home until half eleven, Nic." I sighed.

"I know, I know." She grinned.

"Anyways, what are you guys up to this evening?" Martina asked.

"I'm going shopping with Georgia after school." I smiled.

"Shopping on a Monday afternoon, literally the only good thing about today." Georgia said.

"What about you?" I asked Martina.

"I'm going to help Stacey with her study."

I burst out laughing, right away.

The idea was honestly just so hilariously ridiculous. Her helping her only sister.. NEVER.

It just wasn't going to happen.

"No, you won't."

"I actually am." said Martina, looking proud. "She's really panicked and I want her to do well."

"What in God's name has got into you? Since when do you want her to do well?" Nicole piped in, looking shocked.

"Since I don't want her repeating and want her gone, as soon as. So, I agreed I'd make sure she studies and gets the grades." Martina grinned.

Although she was only doing it for mainly her own benefit, you had to hand it to Martina. She was still being nice by wanting to make sure for certain her sister does well in her Leaving Cert.

"I don't even know why you'd want her gone. I love Stacey, I'm going to miss her so much when's she gone to college." I moaned.

Stacey was one of my favourite cousins. We got on so well and she understood me better then anyone. And, I could trust her with absolutely anything.

"Why wouldn't you want her gone? I can't wait. She's way to annoying." Martina sighs.

I roll my eyes.

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