-Revenge is Sweet [Chapter Eight]

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Lauren's POV:

I can't believe it. She's actually went there.

Georgia can't help that her father died and who does Diana think she is going around and saying he abandoned her when he is dead? I know it's not public knowledge that he's dead but who does she even think she is like.

I had just gotten in from school and I was really stressing out.

I was pacing around the living room, the boys sat and watched my every move.

"Lauren, calm down." Harry, who had been standing a few metres from me, touched my shoulder trying to comfort me.

I turned around face him.

I could feel myself feel hot. I've never been so angry in my life.

Since his voice is soft, gentle and caring. I'm emotionless answering. Just for his sake.

"How am I supposed to? She is going too far and I feel so helpless," I say with my face in my hands.

I feel a pair of hands around me and pulling me into their chest.

Harry's scent was actually really surprising. He smelt really, really good.

The smell of mint and aftershave made my senses melt. It was such a nice smell to smell of off lads.

"It's going to be okay, babe." He murmured pulling away a strand of my hair.

"Yeah, you say that now." I muttered.

It certainly was not going to be okay. As much as I've tried to convince myself, it's not true. Georgia is fragile and being knocked everyday. She is far from happy.

I pulled away from his grasp and looked at all of them. "Look, guys, this has been going on for so long and I'm sick of it. My best friend is not coping and quite frankly neither am I. And on top of that, I miss mum and dad and I have to deal with my brother everyday. My life isn't easy. I don't expect ye to understand. Like my parents, ye're celebrities. Your life is sorted and you've no problems. Just forget I said anything." I said making my way to leave the room.

"Wait!" I heard five voices in sync.

I turned to them.

They all looked guilty.

I crossed my arms. It wasn't them I was annoyed at. It was Diana and partly my parents but mainly Diana. Life is just so unfair.

"We've everyday problems too, Lauren. Don't say that. We care about you. You can always talk to us." Liam said seriously.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled.

I regret some of what I said now. Of course, they have problems. They're only human.

"We - w-we will help you get rid off her." Louis half stutters.

All the other boys and I looked to Louis in confusion.

What was he suggesting?

"What?" I asked.

"We're going to help you." He repeated.

The boys looked confused whilst I felt immensely relived.

"Don't give me that look boys. I don't care, okay? Money is not everything." He spat at them. Wow Louis. He was so thoughtful. "I've only known you a few days, Lauren, but you're so down to earth, compassionate, friendly. And so is Georgia. Ye don't deserve this so I will do whatever it takes to help you."

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