-Meeting with cousins [Chapter Twenty-One]

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Lauren's POV:

May just wouldn't go any quicker. It was as slow as me waiting for my birthday, I would have to wait and wait, but faith just won't bring it quicker.

It had been over two weeks and the boys hadn't been in contact. I was starting to worry that they only hung out with me while they were in Ireland for the money. I was struggling without my 'brothers' anyway. I missed them so much and the fact all of them said they would be in contact with me regularly made my heart ache. They lied to me.

It's just so hard sometimes, but I have to forget about them. They were probably using me and chances are they've forgotten about me already.

Honestly, as the days went on it got harder and harder for me. For one thing, waiting for my leg to heal was such a pain in the ass and for another, it was so annoying that Diana was back being a bitch to Georgia.

Today I was going to visit my Dad's family in Birr, Co Offaly, it wouldn't be that boring since Martina and Stacey would be there, so that's good.

We sat in the limo relaxing as Bryan drove us to Birr.

I had my hair tied up, my make up was regular, minus any eye liner. I looked quite casual, just in a top, jeans and converse. Luke wore a tracksuit with trainers and his Manchester United jersey.

I sat beside Luke, who was on his Google+ account on Dad's laptop.

Dad sat at the other end of the limo, checking his e-mails on his iPhone and I just sat there looking on Facebook mobile. I looked at the news feed.

Mum was in Australia on her new fashion world tour which would last five months.

Five months without my mum. This was going to be hard. Add to the other list of things I'm currently struggling with. Well, I suppose it's not the first time but nonetheless it wasn't easy in the past.

I just sat there looking on Facebook mobile. I looked at the news feed.

Tom Armstrong changed his Profile Picture.

~It was a photo of him and Georgia~

Martina Daley via Samsung Galaxy Mini

So bored, on way to Birr and I'm just bored, Stacey won't talk to me and I'm just left to waste my credit and go on this :(

~I hit comment~

Lauren Daley via iOS

I know that feeling x

Martina Daley

Haha x

~I continued to scroll down~

Selena Broderick is at Aviva Stadium, Dublin with Vanessa Blue and Kylie Thorne.

~I hit like~

Melissa Jackson likes Teen Swag :]'s photo.

Karen Metcalfe

Sometimes I seriously wonder what goes through Aine's brain, please tell I don't think alone here guys - with Brian Metcalfe, Tom Metcalfe, Una Metcalfe and Nicholas Metcalfe.

~I hit like~

I got bored of Facebook and scrolled through my Twitter mentions. Taking to thank a few fans before shutting off my phone.

I sat in a comfortable silence looking on the Irish countryside scenery until my phone vibrated. I had a new message.

From NicoleGregoryXx

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