-The Others? [Chapter Twenty-Three]

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Lauren's POV:

I felt myself begin to grow even more angry after hearing the oh so familiar Bradford accent.

Why the hell was he only ringing now? If he really cared he would of rang of the second night. Not two fucking weeks later! He can piss off if he thinks I'm talking to him. I don't want to talk to him and listen to his pathetic excuses as to why he's been ignoring me for the past two weeks.

"What do you want? It's been two weeks!" I practically yelled into the phone.

"Just hear me out." Zayn responded calmly into the phone.

Hear out what? A stupid excuse when the truth is, he doesn't even care about me. He is really starting to annoy me now.

I was actually praying for a moment that he butt-dialed me by mistake. His voice, his calmness, it's too much. It's so hard to be angry as I feel with someone who I remember to be such a nice person. But I need to forget that. He doesn't care about me. I need to move on. Without them.

"No, I don't need you, Zayn. My life was perfectly fine without you." I manage to cough out.

I was lying to myself and I knew it. I'm so annoyed with him that I'm not being the least bit logical. Of course, I need them! I'm just trying to be stronger then I actually am. Rather like Georgia when it comes to Diana sometimes.

"Please, babe, let me explain." He says in a pleading voice which made my heart break in two.

I needed to hear this, whether I was angry with or not, this was something I had to do. Otherwise, I may never understand why he's been ignoring me and I would chances are go on to live my life wondering why.

"Fine." I say with a sigh.

"We have been in America for the past two weeks, as you know, and we are staying there for another month and then I'm returning to Athlone to see you," Zayn explains in a voice that makes me want to slap myself for ever being so rude to him. "I miss you so much," He says softly.

I was starting to feel bad for blowing up at Zayn. After all, he is one of the most gentle souls I know and here I was sounding like a complete phsyco bitch in front of him.

They were was still hope. Zayn does care about me. Obviously, he does if he's going back to see in a month without pay. What does this mean? Surely, this means the boys care about me too and have been, perhaps, as busy as Zayn?

"I'm sorry for earlier. I miss you too. Anyways, what about the others? Do they miss me?" I say, with a voice above a whisper.

If they do, this will be the best thing ever and I will be the happiest person in the world. But, I have to stop thinking positively because chances are they don't care but Zayn does, because he's a kind and loving guy.

But I need to hear the truth. They either care or they don't. There really is no in between after the two weeks we spent together getting to know one another.

"Yes, we all miss you terrible. We are all dying out here. We will be home around mid June. How are you feeling?" He asks.

I could cry. They do miss me. My brothers miss me as much as I miss them. They do care and I was being paranoid. This is amazing!

"I feel the same, I just miss you guys so much." I say with slight shake in my voice.

"Hang in there, Lauren. We will be home in a month, do you think you can hold in there?"

Truthfully with Diana and everything, I don't think I can hold it out but I'm going to try for them. I don't want Zayn worrying over a stupid problem of mine and then telling the boys. I can't have them cancel their promotion just for me. They have earned it too much to be out there in America and it would be unfair of me to take the opportunity of cracking America away from them.

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