-Hospitals and Interviews [Chapter Eighteen]

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Niall's POV:

"What do you mean she's fucking missing?" Harry cursed.

"I mean exactly what you think I mean. Missing; Gone, don't know where she is. Whatever you want to call it." I said slightly impatiently.

It was really annoying how he reacted. It was nearly like he was blaming me and that was just plain unfair.

It's hardly my fault if she's missing. I know he cares a lot about her and so do I and he's just being inconsiderate.

"Shit." He muttered.

"My thoughts exactly." I sighed.

This was a mess. Where the hell was she? I've looked literally everywhere. I checked all the rooms in the rooms and now she was no where to be seen and I felt really worried.

The thought of loosing Lauren was just so indescribable. I couldn't loose her. I refused to.

She was just so nice, sweet, confident, funny and exactly the type of the person you couldn't loose in this world.

"Look, it'll be fine. I'm going to round up the boys and we'll go look for them, okay?" He said, in a somewhat comforting tone.

"Okay." I answered, my voice cracking.

"Honestly, Nialler, we're going to find Lauren. We're staying through to what we said yesterday. I'm going to protect her, we can't loose her."

"I agree." I nodded.

"See you in a bit, okay?"

And with that, Harry left me to my own thoughts.

I was started to feel really worried. I couldn't loose Lauren when I was only just getting to know her.

Lauren was just such a beautiful person. Her brown hair always looked good whether it be curly or straight, it was perfect. Her big brown eyes and her warm smile was what I lived for. She was a lovely person and the amount of guilt I'll feel if something happens to her is just so unreal.

I started to pace the lawn before bumping into a group of girls.

"Niall!" They chanted.

"Not now." I sighed pushing past them, looking to find and meet up with the boys.

Two girls of a mere thirteen were missing and my fans only concern were my well-being. Well, I wasn't having it. I was no-where near the mood for it.

The fact that my fans were always caring about me when a crisis happens was comforting when you think about it but in reality when you're trying to find the lads to get someone who means the world to you, it's a bummer. It just slightly annoys me especially seen as I'm in the middle of panic.

I finally found Harry with the lads and we were all in a circle.

"So, what's going on?" Zayn asked casually, grinning.

At this grin, all of the other lads and I shot him death glares.

How he was being so casual whilst we were all in a crisis of panic I would never know.

Zayn was being extremely insensitive to the situation. Lauren is missing for god sake and not to mention Georgia was as well! And it was like he was only in this for the money when I was pretty sure we all have the heart for this. Harry, Louis and I certainly aren't in for the money. We care way to much about her and have done a lot to protect her. Liam cares about her as well, just not as strongly as us but he definitely does care and has openly told me that he doesn't think this is about the money anymore a few days ago.

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