-The Confirmation [Chapter Six]

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Lauren's POV:

"So do you have a dog?" Louis asked me for the millioneth time.

"Yes. Ruby is mine and Luke's dog, a King Charles."

Ruby is only three years now.

My Rubes sleeps in my bed, she's a comfort especially when I miss not having Mum or Dad around.

I was sitting at my desk still in my pyjamas. Louis was pestering me about myself.

I suppose it's nice he cares and isn't being unsocial.

Liam was playing Fifa 12, a new game released in August, with Luke. I was pleased with Liam too as although he was here for my party. He was taking interest in my brother which I really appreciate it because I wouldn't want Luke to feel left out.

The he rest of them were getting their luggage in from the limo.

"Ever had a boyfriend?" Louis asked.

Okay, well done Louis. This is a new question.

"Yes, one."


"Geoff Jackson, he's in my class."

"Lauren and Geoff sitting in a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g." He teased.

I rolled my eyes.

His lack of maturity makes him so much funner to be around.

"Quit being childish,"

"I'm sorry, it's in my nature,"

"I noticed." I muttered.

He smiled. "How long did ye date for?"

"Six months, but we both agreed to finish it, we're still friends though,"

"Oh poor thing!" Louis said throwing his arms over my shoulders as a fake comfort.

I can already tell we're going to be good friends while they're here. He has the same sense of humour as me and his sarcasm; oh my God it's brilliant!

"What about you?" I laughed.

"Yeah, I'm dating a girl called Eleanor Calder, she's a part-time model,"


"So is Geoff making his Confirmation?"

I know where this is going..

I nodded.

"So I'll meet him,"

No, I'll make sure you won't, Louis, don't worry.

"I doubt it. The crowd will me massive but please don't embarrass me if you do meet him."

That was true, too.

There is thirty or something people in my class all bringing family members plus we're making it with another school with forty people, so it's going to be so crowded.

"Nonsense! Of course I'll meet him. Like I'd do that, I won't embarrass you." He rolled his eyes as if what I suggest was the biggest load of rubbish he had heard in his life.

Whatever you say, Louis. Mark my words; you won't meet him.

I smiled amused.

"Lauren! Your stylists are here!" My Mother yelled up the stairs.

"Coming!" I yelled back. "You coming?" I then asked him.


Louis is the funniest person I have ever met. He is honestly one of the coolest people I've ever met in my life.

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