-Bring on the Excitement [Chapter Eleven]

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Lauren's POV:

After a short debate with myself, I decided that tonight was definitely, without a doubt, the best date I've ever had with Geoff. For one thing, Georgia was very happy with her evening too and was delighted to hear that herself and Tom were now dating. I could easily say that I owed my boyfriend so much. For another, Geoff was being his usual cheesy self with a bit of romance that I could say have missed so much. And finally, I got to go to the carnival, what's not to like.

Ironically enough, I seen Mark there with his girlfriend. He was on about having 'pre-baby carnival time' and I couldn't help but laugh when remembering our time in Thorpe Parks months ago.

I smiled to myself as I got home, shutting the front door behind myself, Luke, Georgia and Imogen. Luke and Imogen rushed upstairs presumably going on the Xbox. Georgia left to go have a shower upstairs so I was left alone.

"I'm home," I called to anyone, really. It was mainly a message to one of the boys.

"Hi babe, how was the date?" Harry grinned at me appearing from the kitchen with a bag of crisps in the hand.

He was wearing a white shirt, tracksuit bottoms and a beanie. Yup, you could definitely tell he was just in from recording.

I rolled my eyes. "Unreal, thank you Harold."

"Glad to hear it." He wiggled his eyebrows.

He's such a weirdo but I love it. He's like an unusual big brother to me.

"How did recording go?" I decided to ask.

"Awful now you ask," He shrugged. "But meh. Your Dad was pissed. We aren't working to our full potential apparently." He said using quotations with his hands.

I laughed. Dad was such a perfectionist it wasn't funny.

"I thought as much and I'm sure it wasn't that bad. Trust me, I get that speech all the time. Whether it's school or personal, all the time."

"You'll be fine. He's your dad. He's my boss. He can fire me. But he's stuck with you. You're not completely screwed if you make a mistake."

I laughed and he gave a sheepish grin. "I suppose so. What did ye record today?" I ask.

"Can't tell you that, Laur. Top notch private business. You're not apart of team 1D." He said with a smirk as he walked over to me crisps in hand.

"I should be! I make ye feel like normal people. I should get some form a credit." I pouted.

"Yes, you really should. But management don't see it like that, button." He said poking my nose.

I rolled my eyes.

Forget what I said before, he was still the annoying boy I met on my Confirmation Day. But I loved a bit of friendly banter so it was all good.

"Well they should Haz,"

"I know they should." He said looking at me, smiling. "Hey! Did you just call me Haz? Feels like the first time ever?"

"Just like the first time you called me Laur." I shot back.

"Toché babe."

I rolled my eyes. "Sitting room?"

He nodded and I followed into the sitting room, which was empty.

"Just tell me, Dad probably will anyways, what song did ye record?"

"No. You'll tell Martina and then she'll tell half the fan base." He laughed.

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