Separation - Special - Childhood Memory

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Lauren's POV; Five years before:

"You ready?" She asked me, her ginger hair blowing in the wind.

Georgia has been my best friend for as long as I can remember. I have known her since I was two years old.

Oh, the fun we used to have messing in play school, just sitting around, playing and having fun.

When we started school in St Bernard's.. well.. that was a different story. That was four years ago, now that I thought about it. And that kind of scared me to think I only have another four years actually left in this school.

We are eight years old now, just made our first Holy Communion.

"Yeah," I responded.

We sat up in the fields of Athlone Hills. We sat under the Olive tree, just picking Daisies and being free.

Georgia and I sat up and got out her saw, that we got from the garage at my house, and then Georgia started to carve something into the tree.

I took her quite a while to do it. Well, you know, seen as we have weak hands since we're only eight.

It was soon carved and I felt a huge smile grow on my face. It was even more beautiful then I could of imagined. I was going to remember this forever. Whenever I needed something or needed somewhere to think, as of now, this would be the place I would go.

It read:

Laur + Georg - BFFs forever, 12-5-2008

It just looked perfect. No other words. It was just relaxing and got rid of any worry that I may have. It made me feel happy. And at home. Which, let me tell you, is almost a foreign word to me seen I'm constantly on the move.

I've been pulled out of St Bernard's six times in the past four years because my Dad or Mum had to move for work. It got really annoying because I would Georgia and Martina. My best friend and cousin. I've been on the move for most of my life. I've lived in Mullingar, Dublin, Belfast, Cork, London, Manchester, New York, Los Angeles, Texas, Sydney, Toronto, you name it. I've been there. It's ridiculous, really.

I like it here. I'm Irish; well I was born in Manchester and lived there for three years, hence the reason I support Manchester United but then moved to Ireland; so I think I should live in Ireland, at least until I'm older, since it's my nationality. It's my nation. We are the same. I can speak the language and do the dances, surely that's got to count for something. So, I really don't understand why we can't live here all the time.

Mum and Dad's work is really annoying. Mum, being the big fashion propaganda she is, is always away and Dad, having a record label, is nearly aways recording. It annoys me. I miss them when they aren't around. And sometimes, it feels like they just don't care about me when they dump me and Luke, who's four, on Alison, our nanny.

I try to shake it from my mind. I should be thinking of my best friend now, not my parents seen as we are here rebelling from them.

We may or may not have told them where we were going and went without shoes..

But oh well. You only live once.

I smiled, if at all possible, even bigger at my best friend.

"Awh that's way sweeter then you said it would be." I said, with my smile continuing to grow.

"No problem, Laur, we will be best friends forever." She grinned.

"You think so?" I asked.

"I know so," She smiled.

We hugged and then sat back down in the field. It was a really peaceful sunny day here in Athlone. Which was just odd? Normally the weather, here, in Ireland is horrible but today we got a decent warm sunny Spring day.


"Yeah?" She responded.

"Do you think the boyfriends, we have in future, will be best friends, like us?" I asked.

"Yep, probably." She smiled.

We then hugged and just sat there asking each other questions, in our bare feet, enjoying the magic we felt at our tree. This would forever be ours and nobody else's.  We were in Summer dresses and having great fun which was only to be ruined by our parents, who came with our shoes and looked annoyed that we had been so careless not to bring shoes but we ourselves didn't care.

We were living while we were young. Having fun. Being rebellious and spontaneous, all the things you should do in life.

It will forever be a magical moment in our six year friendship.



awh i love this chapter<3

lauren and georgia are just so small and cute and they get their names carved in their tree and awh i love it!

remember to comment and vote for this if you like it.

i feel like something needs to be addressed about my writing. i'm sorry, guys. i feel like the last few chapters were really, really short in comparison to how they normally are. so sorry. i'm going to try to do longer ones from now on, i promise.

thanks for all lovely feedback and the comments have just been so lovely! it means the world to me so thank you again! i can't thank ye all enough.

up all night and mary-ellen griffin might be updated tomorrow, idk when i will get a chance, but hopefully tomorrow.

be sure to vote and comment loads for me<33 thanks guys x

if you do, i will update another chapter today or if i am too busy tomorrow. so get voting.

i've already started the next update so if you do want it today, you know what to do. VOTE VOTE VOTE. thanks guys. X

that's all i really have to tell ye, minus the fact you're the best followers, i could have asked for.

i'm being serious when i say this. ye are amazing with everything and because of ye, i am who i am with votes, comments and followers, so thank you all for that.

be sure to follow, vote and comment!


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