-Georgia's Confrontation [Chapter Three]

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Lauren's POV:

Monday morning. I got roughly five hours sleep last night. We flew out of London at 10.30 last night and got out of Dublin at 12 o'clock. Arrived home at 1:30 and didn't get to bed until 2.

The weekend in London was actually better then I expected it to go. Bar my birthday; sitting in a recording studio for hours was a waste of time. And such a waste of a birthday too.

Dad made up for it though. He brought me and Luke out to an expensive restaurant on Saturday night. The food was amazing. I had never had better food in life.

We went out after I watched Georgia perform. I had a great night.

Sunday; Dad decided not to make us suffer to much like the day before.

He felt the need to make it to me for half ruining my birthday. Although, I did tell him he had done enough for me but he insisted on making it to me.

So whilst he was recording, Luke and I got to Thorpe Park with his personal assistant, Mark, who happens to love theme parks just like us! It was amazing.

We finished up at 6 o'clock before Mark brought us to a cafe for dinner. It was nearly as nice as the restaurant!

Then at seven o'clock, we went back to the hotel to pack our belongings and Dad met us there. He packed his stuff. And we left the hotel at eight o'clock and waited in the airport.

I've known Mark years and he is such a cool guy. He's just gone thirty and himself and his girlfriend are expecting their first child. He kept telling us how he can't wait to do this with his kids and getting to experience it with us was basically a great warm up.

If Dad wasn't working he would of went too, he loves theme parks.

If Mum had to make it up to me she would have to bring me shopping because she hates theme parks. Bringing us would be out of the question. She would fear our deaths on those. But what mum doesn't know won't hurt her!

I woke up at half seven. It was now a quarter to eight.

I was in my uniform and I was in the bathroom. I applied foundation to my skin attempting to stop the bags appearing under my eyes and making me look tired and I then put mascara on my top lashes and I brushed my curly hair and pulled it into a high ponytail. I was ready.

I walked out of my room, down the hallway and than down the marble staircase.


Luke and I walked through the gates of the school and we went our separate ways.

I met Georgia, Nicole and Martina and we walked through the grounds outside the school.

I noticed Diana, Karen and Rita had arrived at school and came up to us. They came to talk to us.

Let's see now what Diana wants to talk about.

"I want that trophy of yours," Diana stated to Georgia.

Oh God, here we go..

This is exactly what I was afraid would happen. I really can't deal with this, not right now anyways. I'm way to tired for this.

"No." Georgia replied bluntly.

What is she doing? I'm glad she's sticking up for herself, she has won fair and square but I wish she wouldn't choose to fight with her, not today when I'm not up to backing her up.


"You heard me, no!"

I can't believe she's actually doing this..

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