-Untold Secrets [Chapter Fifteen]

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Lauren's POV:

Waking up on Tuesday morning was much more odder then I expected it to go. I woke up to Harry in the middle of Niall and I's bed.

Weird, I know? He was poking me and to make the situation even more awkward he was shirtless.

After opening one eye and seeing him shirtless and so close to me, I fell out of the bed in shock.

That was scary. He was close and I didn't expect him there. He had a nice upper body, I had to give him that. Still, I've a boyfriend and even if I didn't, he's eighteen so..

Niall had apparently been half awake while this was taking place as he joined in at Harry's laughter at me.

I face palmed. That was embarrassing.

And to piss the two of them of for laughing at me, I opened the curtains and let the morning sun in. They both groaned. It was ten o'clock so we weren't up too early.

I rolled my eyes and smiled.

"I hate you." Harry grumbled.

"Love you, babe." I said emphasising the word babe and smiling.

"Yeah, kay. Whatever." He sulked before I headed to the bathroom for a shower.

I washed my hair and relaxed before hopping out. I dried my hair and let it fall into it's natural curls before tying it up into a loose ponytail. I quickly applied light foundation and mascara on my lashes.

I then changed into a tee shirt that was from my Mum's fashion show on Saturday that she got me from back stage. It was baby pink and read 'Forbes' Fashion London 2012'

Followed my that, I put on a pair of jeans and blue converse.

I walked into the bedroom to see Harry sitting, still shirtless and apparently waiting. He headed past me as I left the bathroom and winked at me.

I rolled my eyes and began to finish my packing.

I can't believe we're leaving today. I loved London and don't want this trip to end.

Niall looked fresh and awake. He wore a grey Hollister jumper, jeans and blue trainers. His hair was messy but still looked good.

I shot him a smile which he returned.

Luke appeared, not a second later, dressed and looking awake. He wore the Manchester United away jersey, a pair of Hollister tracksuit bottoms and Nike runners.

His hair was fresh and in it's usual up style which I know realised was actually quite similar to Zayn's. I don't know why I never noticed before.

"I'm hungry." He told me.

I rolled my eyes. Sometimes it gets annoying being relied on for everything.

"Cool." I smiled at him.

Sometimes, he's just so annoying and I like to piss him off. Rather like my relationship with Harry.

"Lauren! Do something!" He moaned.

"Oh, appreciate me now, do you?" I cocked an eyebrow.

"I've always appreciated you. You're my sister and you've always been there."

"You don't always, you know?" I muttered.

"Sorry." He mumbled.

"Yeah, it's fine-"

"But seriously, I'm hungry and what time are we eating at?" He cut me off.

Niall was laughing his head off at our conversation and I glared at him, which he stopped immediately.

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