-Shocks on the Morning [Chapter Five]

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Lauren's POV:

I had spent the last week comforting Georgia and doing everything I could to make her feel better.I think I did. If not, as best I could.

It was Sunday morning. I never thought this day would come. But it did..

My Confirmation was at 2pm, it was 8.30am right now. I lay in my bed curly hair spread out. I rested peacefully.

Nothing was going to ruin this peaceful sleep, even my Confirmation.

I probably shouldn't have stayed up late watching Family Guy.

Oh that was so smart Lauren!

My thoughts laid on one thing: Georgia. Her day has to better than mine, has to be. It's exactly what she needs right now after everything she's been through.

Georgia was having her Confirmation we with me. It was joint. For one reason, our families were close and her house would be very small for the amount of people.

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of my bedroom door opening. And I already knew who it was without opening my eyes, Mum. She would request me to be up for early for the Confirmation.

I didn't want to get up. I wasn't ready to start the day yet. I was quite tired and my eyes weren't ready to function.

"Five minutes Mum," I said half asleep letting my head sink further into the pillow.

I could tell there was more than one person in my room by the sound of giggling.

One of the people put something on my desk and clicked a button.

Music started playing. I recognised the music, it was a catchy pop song but why was it being played at this time in the morning on my Confirmation day?

Real smart Mum.. great way to get to wake up.

I kept thinking who sings that song? I know it, it's familiar I just can't think the name of the singer or the name of the song.

"Your insecure, don't know what for, your turning heads when you walk through the door! Don't need make-up to cover up, being the way that you are is enough!" Someone sung beautifully to the instrumental music.

I tried my best to ignore it still not wanting to have to get up.

Oh this was too annoying. I couldn't ignore it any longer.

I sat up, eyes still closed, stretched and opened my eyes to see five fit lads in my bedroom! But I knew these lads from somewhere, who were they?

They didn't stop their singing. They continued as I thought! This was making it confusing!

Think Lauren think. Then it hit me.

Its that boy band from London that Dad manages isn't it? The British-Irish one? I think, I don't know I could be wrong.

I listened to the chorus of the song.

"Baby! You light up my world like nobody else, the way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed, but when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell, you don't know, oh oh, you don't know your beautiful, oh oh, that's what makes you beautiful, if only you saw what I could see, you'd understand why I want you so desperately, but when you smile the crowd it ain't hard to tell, you don't know, oh oh, you don't know your beautiful, oh oh, that's what makes you beautiful," The boys finished the song.

My mouth opened in shock.

I was not bargaining for this to happen. But nonetheless, it was a better way to wake up rather then mum's yelling.

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