-Long Awaited Answers [Chapter Twenty-Five]

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Lauren's POV:

Today we would we do it. We had decided yesterday that it had only been too long that we had been letting Diana get away with bullying Georgia with no explanation at all.

Today, we would make a difference. We would stand up to Diana today. This was getting too out of hand. It was breaking Georgia. Two years for being bullied really can destroy a person and we're worried that Georgia could get permanently damaged from this.

I feel worried about Nicole too. The fact Diana is openly saying such racist remarks to her is sickening. I'm worried that these are making Nicole self-conscious, like Georgia feels.

It doesn't help that she's saying shit about our families, either. We've all had enough of it. This ends today.

I was so absorbed in my own thoughts that I didn't realise Luke had been telling me to get out of the limo from two minutes and that we had arrived at school.

"Sorry, Bryan." I said embarrassed.

"Quite alright, my dear." He replied as I stepped out with my schoolbag.

Luke and I began to walk down the street towards school.

"Why were so slow to get out of the car?" Luke asked.

"Lost in my thoughts." I answered.


I did want to tell him, I really did. But by now, we were reaching the gates and I could see Nicole, Martina and Georgia were in a group talking. I needed to get to them right now so we can discuss how we are confronting Diana. Luke would have to wait. I decided. I'll tell him about it later.

"I'll explain later. It'll take too long to explain now." I said shortly as we enter the gates. "Have a good day and I'll see you later and explain everything!" I say hurriedly before rushing off to meet the girls. Luke had a confused look on his face before I left but quickly left to find his own friends.

"You hurried." Martina laughed as soon as we were in circle.

"Yeah, well, we've got to plan, don't we?" I say with a smile.

We decided that we would approach Diana at the end of the day if she doesn't already approach us. Which isn't likely since she takes any excuse she can get to torment Georgia.

We also decided we weren't taking shit from her and only wanted answers. We discussed strategies for five minutes before I noticed Diana arrived at school.

Diana was with Rita as they walked though the gates and they were walking straight towards us.

'Great. This will make everything easier.' I think to myself.

"Hi," Diana fake smiled once she entered our group with Rita at her side.

"Don't you 'hi' us!" Nicole said sternly.

"You alright? Ye all seem a little off." She said with a scowl.

"No wonder with you around!" Nicole yelled causing a few people nearby to stare. Not that it mattered, really.

We were all rather used to the attention we got. It wasn't private knowledge that Diana Kelly bullied Georgia or tormented us so this didn't really surprise people.

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