Separation - Special - Lauren & Georgia

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Lauren's POV:

"Luke and Imogen! We don't have all day," I yelled as I reached out for the handle of the stairs. Georgia reached out for my hand and stopped me. I looked at her confused.

"They will be down in a minute." Her brown eyes twinkled and smiled and showed of her beautiful dimples.

I smiled back.

It was after school on Friday and we were getting ready to go to the carnival. Georgia and Imogen were staying over tonight as our parents were going out tonight.

I wore my favourite red strapped dress-top, blue skinny jeans, my new New Look blue jacket and red flats. My hair was in loose curly waves, I wore foundation, eye liner on the top and mascara.

Georgia wore a white baggy tee shirt, blue jean shorts with black leggings under it and black sandals. She wore a few bangles on her right arm, her hair was straightened to die for and she wore no make up.

Again, Ireland's unusual weather continued as it was mild sunny day. The the snow had cleared up which was great. We could get to London tomorrow in peace.

"So, what's the plan?" She asked.

"We're bringing the kids to the carnival and just chilling out." I answered.

"Great and how are we getting there?"

"Bryan, our limo driver."

"He's pulling up a few blocks away?"

I nodded just as Luke and Imogen appeared from downstairs, a smirk appeared across their faces.

Luke's hair was a jelled as ever and he wore jeans, a grey hoodie, an Ireland jersey and white runners. Imogen's ginger hair was left curly and she wore a grey jumper, a red tattered skirt with black tights and white trainers.

"What are ye smiling about?" I grinned.

They burst out laughing.

"Luke beat Louis at Fifa by so many goals." Imogen just managed to choke out from all the laughing.

I should have known the boys had something to do with us being late.

Ah well, no point fussing now.

"Come on, lets's get going then." I smiled.

We walked out of the house and got into the limo.

I held my pink bag, that went over my head and Georgia wore her black bag in the same style.

After Bryan started driving, I took out my new iPhone 4 and Georgia and I took a picture. I clicked into Instagram and was getting ready to post it.

Lauren Daley @LaurenDaley

Carnival time with my best friend x @georgia_jen13

I closed my Instagram after posting it.

After five minutes, I checked my phone I had a text from Geoff. I opened Geoff's message.

From: Geoff Jackson<3xx

So you and Georgia are going to the carnival? Can I come along and meet you there? We will have a blast<3

I clicked reply.

To: Geoff Jackson<3xx

I'm not having georgia having no date and me and you being all together so no geoffrey you cannot come x

I sighed. I could hardly bring him with Georgia and everything. That would be so awkward.

My phone buzzed.

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