-A surprise for Luke [Chapter Ten]

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Lauren's POV:

Martina had so far had a good start at her and the boys first meeting. But unfortunately, after a while I was sure she had started to creep Zayn out. She would of creeped me out if I was him, mind you.

I was delighted. Not at Zayn finding her creepy, obviously. Though I can honestly say I'm not surprised. I saw it coming when I decided to introduce them to each other.

Regardless, I was delighted that Martina was happy. After all, she is the one who is supposed to be the happiest in the whole introduction.

I woke up on Thursday morning feeling happy and refreshed because we had no school today.

School was closed as they had to do last minute repairs caused by the recent bad weather.

Smiling to myself after taking a glance out the window at the weather, I quickly slipped into my Manchester United jersey, black flat converse and my blue skinny jeans. I put my hair up in a messy bun and I applied a light foundation and I applied light mascara to my lashes. I was ready.

It was snowing and I couldn't be happier. It was light snow though.

I don't know why, but when ever it's snowing or there is that sort of cold weather I usually wear light make up. I could never understand why.

Maybe it's because Geoff thinks I have natural beauty. Of course he does, he's my boyfriend.

Them again, that thought didn't make sense. Geoff wasn't the reason for me wearing light makeup in cold weather because he has said this to me when I wear heavy makeup or in summer or hot days.

I remember the first time he told that so clearly. It was a hot spring day, about three months ago or so.

He told me this when we were not together which caused me to wonder if he still liked me at the time. Personally, I thought that was sweet of him. He still tells me currently, which is even sweeter.

I made my way downstairs. I had a quick slice of toast. Afterwards, I went into the sitting room and switched on the TV.

I started watching recorded Family Guy from a few nights ago.

The Griffin family never failed to me laugh.

Luke came down wearing his jersey, an Adidas tracksuit and blue Nike shoes.

Yup, brand is key with my family. Nearly everything I own is bloody brand, including a pair of leggings. I know. Leggings with a big brand name? Weird.

"Can I watch Sky Sports?" He said immediately.

Well hi to you too.

"Oh, come on Luke! I finally get the TV and you want it now because you got bored of Fifa,"

"Lauren!" He moaned.

"No, Luke. I finally manage to get Harry to get of his ass to play a game with you and you abandon him." I sighed. He frowned and I rolled my eyes before handing him the remote. "Honestly, could you get anymore ungrateful?"

It was true. Harry had been lazy since he had gotten here and was the only one of all the boys not to play against Luke in a Fifa match and Luke has been begging me to try to get him to come round. I finally get him too and this is the thanks I get.

"Thanks Lauren," He replied giving me a squeezing hug.

Now he wants something. Great. Hugging between us on his part is the rarest thing ever. If I hug him first, he will hug me back most of the time (usually depending on company) but him doing it first meant only one thing.

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